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K-pop Appreciation

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also title of t-ara's song reminded me of that 'charlie bit me' vid for some reason



anyone got word on KMF8? i heard kara's gonna be there and nicoles gonna host..true/false?

also..welcome back kparty for brane after lent or what?whos with it?

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probably has something to do with korean age; East Asian age reckoning is a concept and practice that originated in China and is used in East Asian cultures. Chinese culture, Japanese culture, Korean culture, Vietnamese culture, and others share this traditional way of counting a person's age. Newborns start at one year old, and each passing of a Lunar New Year, rather than the birthday, adds one year to the person's age. In other words, the first year of life is counted as one instead of zero, so that a person is two years old in their second year, three years old in their third, and so on.[1][2] Since age is incremented on the new year rather than on a birthday, people may be 1 or 2 years older in Asian reckoning than in the Western system.

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