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Hashima Island


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I found this on sherdog and thought it was worth a post over here. This place looks amazing, i can only imagine what it was like when it was thriving, life, drugs, booze, workers. Probably pretty shitty too, mining sucks.

some info --------->

Hashima Island, 15 kilometres from Nagasaki, Japan, was once the densest human development on Earth, and today stands completely empty and abandoned.

Mitsubishi bought the island in 18901 and began using it as a coal mining facility. When space for the workers began to run out, they built Japan’s first large scale reinforced concrete apartment block on the island in 1916. More concrete tower blocks followed, and by 1959 the population of Hashima reached its peak of 5,259 - an astonishing 1,391 people per 10,000 square metres within the residential district - which is said to be the highest population density ever recorded in the world.

When petroleum began to replace coal here in the 1960s, coal production at Hashima began to decline, and Mitsubishi officially announced the closure of the mine in 1974. Today there is nobody left at all. Protected by a high sea wall, and completely off-limits to the public, the island is now an empty, rotting and collapsing ghost town.











I guess this post could fit in to some other section of SUFU, but i am a trash lurker, and since it could be argued that this place itself is trash, well, i put it here ;)

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How it started: text is taken from wiki....


By the early 1980s, Kowloon Walled City had an estimated population of 35,000. The City was notorious for its excess of brothels, casinos, opium dens, cocaine parlours, secret factories. The Kowloon Walled City was also infamous for its high number of unsanitary dentist clinics, since unlicensed dentists could operate there without prosecution.


With the Triads weakened, the Walled City began to grow. Square buildings folded up into one another as thousands of modifications were made, virtually none by architects or engineers, until the entire City became monolithic. Labyrinthine corridors ran through the City, some former streets (at the ground level, and often clogged up with refuse), and some running through upper floors, through and between buildings. The streets were illuminated by fluorescent lights, as sunlight rarely reached the lower levels. There were only two rules for construction: electricity had to be provided to avoid fire, and the buildings could be no more than fourteen stories high, because of the nearby airport.




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I didn't know it was the site of bloodsport. It was demolished in 1993.
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