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question about a bathing ape jeans? jeans nerds help me pls!


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i wonder if the bathing ape jeans will shrink a lot after its first washed? is it that the jeans that soak the cold water will shrink less than the hot water? cos my waist is 32 inches 32 leg and i want to buy a bathing ape jeans which is waist 36 inches, inseam 35, could u tell me if it is possible for it to shrink to my size by soaking it into the hot water for its first wash? or are there any other ways, please tell me. thanks a lot

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The only way to shink your jeans that much is to set them on fire. Look for a recent thread where someone wanted to light their jeans on fire. If you're careful (esp. around the back pockets), they should come out perfect.

Edited by Roland on Feb 6, 2006 at 01:34 PM

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hahha freebuild i was just joking...it's all love baby..we should teach you the shocker...and you cna do it to everyone you see

--- Original message by rabka on Feb 7, 2006 04:57 PM


That kind of shocker? Can't beat 2 in the pink and 1 in the stink.

Anyways, I have to say that those Bape jeans look quite nice.

Edited by Tabris on Feb 7, 2006 at 10:06 PM

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