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Fades/Trends that Should Go Away


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As I sit on my sofa sending out cover letters as an unemployed recent college grad, I began thinking about how much I hate seeing people in tight suits. There is a difference between a tailored look and looking ridiculous.

What trends do you think should go away? What or who is incredibly popular for no good reason? I'll go first.

1. Tight suits

2. Macs

3. iphone

4. Kanye West

5. auto tune

6. man hand bag

7. Beyonce

8. moving to brooklyn

Talk amongst yourselves......

yes i know i spelled fads wrong. maybe that's why i don't have a job.

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How are tight suits a fad? Wearing suits that don't fit is a fad that should go away.

I have one I wish would go away...being an overweight slob. Looking through pictures from the 60's, 70's I barely see any fat people.

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How are Macs, iPhones, and Kanye trends? The increased popularity of macs is almost a decade old. Kanye West is a pop-artist of our time, like it or not. There is really no technologically that is commonly known that replicates what the iphone does. As your thread was inspired by a disdain for tight suits, it's likely that you just tacked on what thought were easy targets without giving them much thought, or even really your original idea.

Here's what I wish was a trend: shallow cultural analysis. Sadly I think this has been around long enough that it's here to stay. Now it's simply your choice whether you indulge in it.

9. Hipsters that can't think for themselves and get defensive when people call them out on it.

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Um, what?

You are a fucking moron and have no clue who I am. I might be typing this on a macbook, but other than that, nothing you've said applies to me. I was simply saying that you weren't saying anything new, original, or interesting. Think harder, retard.

lol. i rest my case.........let the hate continue!

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Wrt to iphones and macs: increased hype and popularity? Yes.

But I dont think they necessarily constitute a substanceless fad because the technology itself, while not perfect, is a step up (or at least sideways) from its competitors. So no I dont really want to see macs or iphones going away.

Fads that SHOULD go away. All the swaggerless clones of mike lowery.

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shredded leggings


street art

vintage anything

social networking


+1 on social networking...

I really never understood the point of myspace, facebook, etc... yeah it's good to have one to keep in touch with distant friends but, what's the point of looking at photos of people that you see and talk to on a regular basis. I don't see how people sit at the computer for 3-4 hours on those sites.

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