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Megan Fox's fucked up thumbs...


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  Hocus Pocus said:
I think the reality is that most of sufu is incapable of anything resembling "smashing". Most of the people here are too physically small and too inexperienced sexually to really make even the most supple virgin anus feel like there had been much of dent made through intercourse.

You can see this through the way that some that some over-critique every female that comes up on here. In reality, if I found myself 1) obsessed with men's style 2) only impressed by the most perfect, and androgynous females 3) giving bitchy critiques about the physical flaws of otherwise amazing specimens of the female population I'd probably take a long hard, look in the mirror (closet) and starting asking some deeping introspective comments.

For me, because I've had sex with women before, I know that the reality is that almost all women's bodies are strange and imperfect, and that's what part of what makes them so attractive. If you want exact preportions, get a Real Doll.

I think that if most men in general, not even just the ones on this forum, wouldn't be able to even approach a girl like that, nevermind take her home. If this offends you, then you are probably a moron.

Toe. Thumbs.

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think this is what some people are talking bout with the boobz (spacing issue)


not only is it hilarious to me that some people claim they woul dnot smash, but even that some are like "ehh.. yeah id still smash" like... yeah, ya fuckin think? she got toe thumbs. cool. anyone sayin they see her in a bar and are not impressed is craaaaze

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so just to clear this up I, for one, had sex this weekend (and she wasn't drunk) and my penis caused a fair amount of pain. so that list is off. I would definitely fuck megan fox but I still don't see the hype surrounding her.

I also fucked a girl with a jacked up finger once. you dont even really notice it unless you were like OCD about fingers or something. If you do care about it that much and can't focus on sex because of it I dont know what to tell you.

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its like all the good eye candy actresses were taken when they were filming transformers so they were stuck with the leftovers

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my nails are perfectly normal and I like the way I look but,

I'll admit it, she's hot compared to my normal self

I guess y'all have or is dating some pretty hot girls to turn your nose up at megan fox just cos of some not so normal thumbs

do you guys stare at a girls thumb when you're doing her?

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  whitney said:
my nails are perfectly normal and I like the way I look but,

I'll admit it, she's hot compared to my normal self

I guess y'all have or is dating some pretty hot girls to turn your nose up at megan fox just cos of some not so normal thumbs

do you guys stare at a girls thumb when you're doing her?

no, i would stare at her dumbass tattoos and think to myself "why am i fucking a retard? is that even legal?"


After reading that last one, I'd probably have to pull a donkey punch to retain any sort of self-respect.

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what really disturbes me about her is that marily monroe tattoo, wow that has to be one of the ugliest tattoos i have ever seen. i can't believe she would willingly walk around with it.

beautiful women should keep their bodies beautiful and not ruin them with something like tattoos or piercings. :mad:

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  whitney said:
my nails are perfectly normal and I like the way I look but,

I'll admit it, she's hot compared to my normal self

I guess y'all have or is dating some pretty hot girls to turn your nose up at megan fox just cos of some not so normal thumbs

do you guys stare at a girls thumb when you're doing her?

I inspect girls before I even do anything with them. If their pubic hair is longer than 2cm and their eye brows are a little crooked, the bitch might as well walk out of my apartment and then delete my number out of her phone. I expect perfection while I'm not jacking it to girls wearing a pound of make up, anything less than wont do.

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