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Vancouver Holt Refrew denim sale


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I think it's because they're moving the Holt Refrew in Pacific Center to the other side of the mall so they are having a pretty good sale right now. I only checked out the denim but they got the Nudie SSDS on sale for $150 they're regular $400. I copped a pair in 32x32. They also have the Red Ear Jeans, PRPS, some selvage Levi's and a bunch of others jeans on sale. I think the PRPS are $150 also. They have Nudie RR greycasts but they don't seem to be on sale.

I was in a rush so I gotta go back to check out the sale again.


Edited by vinz on Jan 22, 2006 at 06:47 PM

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hey if by any chance ur able to get the nudie SS DS in a 30-32/32 length, ill definetly be willing to paypal you some cash , including a bit extra for ur trouble..

regardless of that im in toronto, but sounds like a good sale, good looks on giving ST a heads up

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