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Zombie Defense Task Force Thread

Mr Waffles

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moto gear or any kind of tough material that allows freedom of movement would be a good idea. fuck that helmet thing though, too much restriction

some sort of neck protection would be best, so maybe like a burglers mask made of something strong would be nice to use when on the move near zombie alert

the idea is that when you run into a horde, you aren't going to fight it hand to hand, so carry that lobo shit around just to pick small groups off.

I wouldn't use dogs for the reason that they would be easily infected and could pose a threat both as an enemy and an extra mouth to feed. on the other hand, maybe like a non-aggressive type dog would be good for hearing/smelling danger from a distance

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moto gear or any kind of tough material that allows freedom of movement would be a good idea. fuck that helmet thing though, too much restriction

some sort of neck protection would be best, so maybe like a burglers mask made of something strong would be nice to use when on the move near zombie alert

the idea is that when you run into a horde, you aren't going to fight it hand to hand, so carry that lobo shit around just to pick small groups off.

I wouldn't use dogs for the reason that they would be easily infected and could pose a threat both as an enemy and an extra mouth to feed. on the other hand, maybe like a non-aggressive type dog would be good for hearing/smelling danger from a distance

Depends on whether or not we're dealing with strictly bitey zombies or the pulley type... kinda hard to armor yourself against them pulling off limbs unless you're in a fully sealed suit (Master Chief concept, definitely why he survived the Flood)

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  whitney said:
there was this zombie movie where a group of pple were stuck in a mall. they climbed onto the top of the roof and opposite of the mall theres a gun shop. on top of a gun shop they see a survivor and via cardboard signs they play a game of shoot that zombie!

Dawn of the Dead remake. Classic

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stronghold idea

thinking of like a catwalk with no stairs that goes in between 2 towers. towers are elevated and exits are ladders that go down from each tower as well as an emergency exit that leads to the roof of this complex. the complex is built into a high cliff-side that is otherwise unaccessible. on the cliff shit I'm growing food

cave opening in the cliff-side houses supplies

then I'm fucking with throwing molotovs at the gathering zombie crowds for the lols

this is ideal non mobile/non permanent residence that can be survived in for at least a couple months

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aite say you capture costco

electricity is down because power plant got fucked with zombizatches

you fucked with unbearable rotting flesh that would attract zombies,

you can't escape it

pretty much impossible to defend if they get in

fuck it, costco is still a goodass idea, but don't expect to be safe, you gona be constantly surrounded by zombies man... in a wide open area


pretty obvious

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oh eff, yea you right bout electricity. i was thinkin to use like the car batteries that they sell there but that can only go for so long.

and shit, this is the 2nd night in the row that im in this thread and again im scared as shit bout zombies bustin through my window.

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aite say you capture costco

electricity is down because power plant got fucked with zombizatches

you fucked with unbearable rotting flesh that would attract zombies,

you can't escape it

pretty much impossible to defend if they get in

fuck it, costco is still a goodass idea, but don't expect to be safe, you gona be constantly surrounded by zombies man... in a wide open area


pretty obvious

But at least you'll die happy with them Cosco muffins

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  Jarvis said:
Wherever I hide, I would be sure to leave sugary treats out for the Zombies so their teeth would rot and they couldn't infect no one no more.

that was the worst first post i've ever seen

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