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Hey SuFu Let's Talk About Sex.


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  seraphim said:
getting prissy over swallowing is pointless. if its already been in your mouth, then what difference does it make?

I definitely like coming in a girl's mouth versus, the handy finish; but I have to say that swallowing isn't required, although it's very sexy. If I had the option between spitting and finishing manually, then I'd take the mouth.

Truth is, just because something's in your mouth doesn't mean it's the same to swallow. You ever take a bite out of a rotten piece of fruit? What's the first thing you do? You spit the shit out, it's not like, "it's already in your mouth so why not swallow..."

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  panicnation said:
How about rimming...anyone into that? Giving AND receiving.

i'd give a girl a rim job with the quickness, i don't think i would want to receive a rim job though. just not comfortable with the thought of some chick licking the outside of my ass.

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For the diverse crowed here on the 'Soufs I'm really disappointed in how un-provocative and un-comprehensive this thread is. With how eclectic the population is you would think there where would be more people talking about sex and getting laid here. I mean there is only 120 post in this topic. The marijuana thread is pushing damn near 6,000 post. Put down your damn bongs and get [to talking about getting] laid.

This post is kind of a fail, because I can't think of any good way to get this thread popping.

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devirginized at 15. i've tried to expand my horizons... ask away.

on the subject of kissing a girl after i jizz in her mouth... if i'm bored, i list what i've eaten that day.


om nom nom mmm om om nommmmmmmmmm m mm mmslurp slurp

oh yeah

mmm om slurp slurp om mm nom nom mmmm *approaches for kiss*

today i ate pizzaburritostacoschiliburgersfishtacos....

*dry heaving*

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