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what racial epiphets are hurled in your general direction?

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Are there any niggers here tonight? I know that one nigger who works here, I see him back there. Oh, there's two niggers, customers, and, ah, aha! Between those two niggers sits one kike-- man, thank God for the kike! Uh, two kikes. That's two kikes, and three niggers, and one spic. One spic-- two, three spics. One mick. One mick, one spic, one hick, thick, funcky, spunky boogey. And there's another kike. Three kikes. Three kikes, one guinea, one greaseball. Three greaseballs, two guineas. Two guineas, one hunky funky lace-curtain Irish mick. That mick spic hunky funky boogey. Two guineas plus three greaseballs and four boogies makes usually three spics. Minus two Yid spic Polack funky spunky Polacks.

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I live in Baltimore, so:



Nigger-fag (my friends and I like that one)



Kraut (a matter of pride)

My friends and I throw a lot of these around.

In highschool we would call black people "thunderclaps" because they had no idea what we were talking about. That was comical because we weren't even using it in a derogatory way.

"Hey thunderclap, are you going to eat that chicken patty or use it to shine your mother's kneecaps?"

The usual. You all need to be more clever(er).

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surprisingly I have never been called a nigger in real life .. but other phrases that people joke around with is

black spook





watermelon x chicken x nigga collabo

too many to name people say

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Guest jmatsu
surprisingly I have never been called a nigger in real life .. but other phrases that people joke around with is

black spook





watermelon x chicken x nigga collabo

too many to name people say

in your opinion, what was the most hurtful? what was the most clever?

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Guest jmatsu
well dont know if you guys catch it on your local news. seems like it's making its round.


they cant put any other spin on this,but the cop just straight shot him on the back.

is the victim's hispanic-samoan friend gonna get any money 2?

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Guest jmatsu
i havent counted what beef and winq call me

snake charmer

towel head

dot head


stinky indian


etc too many to remember

so what do you call them??

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in your opinion, what was the most hurtful? what was the most clever?

Most hurtful probably is black spook, nigger doesn't get me upset I use the word also. Not for all black people though some use that mentality of "hey look we flipped the words meaning", but still get upset if an individual other than black calls them nigga. I dont know if this applies to most clever but being called blackchink.. like wtf I have 0.00% asian in me lol idk if its slightly slanted eyes lol

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iive been called gringo and gavacho by other mexicans who didnt know i was mexican or could speak spanish.

and when i respond in spanish and they have this look on their faces like they saw a ghost or something, like oh shit i got caught.

i, on the other hand do love to say wetter (abreviated version of wetback) all the time

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