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xeno101 shit-talking thread

Guest jmatsu

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Honestly, I wish people would actually go to some effort to tell me where I'm wrong and what I can do sort myself out, rather than just hate what I say.

I also think it is ridiculous to talk so much shit about someone thats hurt NOBODY here, done almost nothing wrong and is relatively new to your community.

Unjustified, in my opinion, I even think a lot of you just hate me because the big posters do.

I never claimed to know more than anyone else, nor did I ever make strong, bold comments about labels or anything specific that I had no clue about.

Insolence, maybe, but I've never done this intentionally, this may just be tied to my ignorance as to whom is significant around here.

As for the last point jmatsu made, I don't lie and I don't remember contradicting myself, so to me this is wrong.

Please, feel free to insult me, but don't be hypocritical in pointing out my uselessness whilst posting uselessness about me. Tell me what it is I can work on, show me where I'm wrong, if you could. (You seem to go to a lot of effort of shit talking, so this shouldn't be asking much)

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Guest jmatsu
Honestly, I wish people would actually go to some effort to tell me where I'm wrong and what I can do sort myself out, rather than just hate what I say.

I also think it is ridiculous to talk so much shit about someone thats hurt NOBODY here, done almost nothing wrong and is relatively new to your community.

Unjustified, in my opinion, I even think a lot of you just hate me because the big posters do.

I never claimed to know more than anyone else, nor did I ever make strong, bold comments about labels or anything specific that I had no clue about.

Insolence, maybe, but I've never done this intentionally, this may just be tied to my ignorance as to whom is significant around here.

As for the last point jmatsu made, I don't lie and I don't remember contradicting myself, so to me this is wrong.

Please, feel free to insult me, but don't be hypocritical in pointing out my uselessness whilst posting uselessness about me. Tell me what it is I can work on, show me where I'm wrong, if you could. (You seem to go to a lot of effort of shit talking, so this shouldn't be asking much)

you haven't hurt anyone here, and even if you wanted 2 you couldn't. you ain't strong/smart enough. you just annoy people.

i'd say most people hate you cause you're annoying. sure some high profile members may have some (in most cases well deserved) influence on other members, but to just assume that this is the main factor as to why members hate you is an insult (to those whom you are referring to). it doesn't take a genius to figure out you're a buffoon.

in various posts you of often imply/front like you know about shit. people see right through you. shit about your personal life nobody gives a shit about cause you just seem to be a nobody with nothing to offer.

and you just did it again you lied or feigned to not remember shit.

you said that you weren't coming back to this forum and you did. you said in some other comment that you'd work on you humility. you haven't done as such. lies and contradictions, fuck-boy.

you fucking mutt, you.

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Honestly, I wish people would actually go to some effort to tell me where I'm wrong and what I can do sort myself out, rather than just hate what I say.

I also think it is ridiculous to talk so much shit about someone thats hurt NOBODY here, done almost nothing wrong and is relatively new to your community.

Unjustified, in my opinion, I even think a lot of you just hate me because the big posters do.

I never claimed to know more than anyone else, nor did I ever make strong, bold comments about labels or anything specific that I had no clue about.

Insolence, maybe, but I've never done this intentionally, this may just be tied to my ignorance as to whom is significant around here.

As for the last point jmatsu made, I don't lie and I don't remember contradicting myself, so to me this is wrong.

Please, feel free to insult me, but don't be hypocritical in pointing out my uselessness whilst posting uselessness about me. Tell me what it is I can work on, show me where I'm wrong, if you could. (You seem to go to a lot of effort of shit talking, so this shouldn't be asking much)

I know that because of who I am most people will disagree or hate on me just for saying this, or think I am trying to talk myself out of the shitiness of my WDYWT's (which I am not), but here it goes anyway. (for those still reading)

Mentioning that anything shouldn't be tolerated or that you need to preserve the Sufu identity is a load of shit. This is a forum not a cult and while there are rules, the general idea of a forum is to share opinions and thoughts without censorship, be it good or bad. To not tolerate something because it doesn't follow a certain mindset or standard is elitist and minimizes diversity among the members, promoting a sheep mentality. Quality control is subjective in many ways, a quick look at the runway threads shows the differences of opinion. There are some general mishaps, incongruence that is obviously unintentional. It can prove to be a good thing to call people out on these, granted that they are universally seen as flawed. But it can also intimidate new users who would otherwise post inspiring and interesting fits that may be brilliant, but not the 'sufu standard'. Shit talking is something else though, it is alienating and harassing, it is a degenerate of criticism, childish and immature. So one might say that just as well as someone posts something deemed as bad, one other is entitled to call them out on it. This makes sense, yet doesn't align with the pro-diversity mentality.

As for sufu having an identity, that is not worth the price of berating new members. On the flipside, sufu's identity would be negatively impacted by this thread, by many who disagree with it's purpose.

I think the rep system is a good compromise between my opinion, and SayWord's.

I don't know why people even bother saying this, why would I? What reason do you give me to do so? Be more mature about it and maybe we can work something out, I can't fix what I'm not aware of.

As for Cotton Duck's point, the fact that I am one of the potential victims doesn't nullify my point, as we're not talking about the people, merely the fits. My bias towards the thread is opposite yet somewhat equivalent in potency to the rest of you, so if I'm not entitled to this opinion, neither should you be.

The tolerance argument AstroWolf mentioned is a fair point, but like a murderous gang isn't allowed to roam the streets, likewise a thread dedicated to berating people shouldn't be allowed to be public. Be it your society or not, it is causing foul, foul which goes against the superfuture regulations displayed prominently to your right.

Sayword, I agree with most of what you've said, it's certainly a utopia worth fighting for, but I don't think the shit talking thread is part of the answer. To me, it is simple minded and gives a bad name to the great reputation of superfuture. On a slightly abstract level, all this hate could potentially become a part of the people that frequent the thread, causing other parts of the forum to degenerate. It isn't easy to mentally contain thoughts, emotions and opinions of sorts within a single 'discussion', this is evident by the 'worst waywt' thread, some may see this thread as a release, but I think there are better ways. Speaking of shit talking, I don't appreciate your assumption that I don't know what I am talking about, I may be new here but take that as an attribute to my opinion, not a reason to void it. Most of what I'm saying is philosophical anyway (for lack of a better word), it doesn't involve knowledge of a topic, so there's nothing really to 'know'.

I wish people weren't so fucking prejudice.
Hi, I'm George, I'm 20 and currently unemployed, looking for work at a cafe or retail fashion store.

I live with my mum and her boyfriend who is an utter prick. I cook, clean and take care of myself. I'm into the alternative/psychadelic/indie scene and despise hipsters/jocks/emos/goths/anyone who wants to label themself.

I play DOTA too much, have a Wii that I want to sell and desperately want to learn piano (have learned a bit) or guitar (though have no money at the moment).

Music is a huge part of my life, with my favourite artists being the likes of Boards of Canada, Shpongle, Dredg, Aphex Twin, Porcupine Tree and the like.

I'm probably the most hated member on here, thanks to my initial reaction of what people said about my fits and some stupid comments I've made early on.

I'm not gonna bold the shit for you read it yourself and find it. These aren't even your older post these are the more recent ones. And if you absolutely cannot find anything with these post then you sir cannot be helped. Is this your first message board?

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I'm guessing I'm not allowed to have big opinions or talk articulately about things until I have some sort of reputation to give weight to my arguments.

I'm also guessing that I should stop replying as it draws attention to myself and can be seen as bitching.

I suppose insulting a big part of the community is not the best way to make friends, but its hard to be nice to people that treat you like shit.

I'm going to try and think about how I present myself to you guys, I've been on many messageboards before with no problems and I have a healthy social life (not trying to talk myself up, just saying), so I don't think the problem is me personally, just how I act on the internet.

Thanks for the advice.

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Guest jmatsu
I'm guessing I'm not allowed to have big opinions or talk articulately about things until I have some sort of reputation to give weight to my arguments.

I'm also guessing that I should stop replying as it draws attention to myself and can be seen as bitching.

I suppose insulting a big part of the community is not the best way to make friends, but its hard to be nice to people that treat you like shit.

I'm going to try and think about how I present myself to you guys, I've been on many messageboards before with no problems and I have a healthy social life (not trying to talk myself up, just saying), so I don't think the problem is me personally, just how I act on the internet.

Thanks for the advice.

anyone is allowed to have opinions and talk articulately about shit without any sort of reputation so long as that opinion isn't intelligence-insultingly ridiculous. there are infact a couple of heavy green members who i personally think are idiots.

you just haven't really responded with anything we haven't heard before. same old bitchass song and dance. and your songs and dances aren't even that fancy, so i don't know why you saying shit about talking articulately.

you guess that your replies are considered bitching? why do you even have to guess? your shit ain't even half-steppin. it's 100% bitchassness.

i don't know if anyone has a problem with you personally in real life or whatever the fuck. i don't care cause there is a great chance we'd never meet. plus that i wouldn't socialize with your likes. if i did it would be "hi my name is jmatsu, you must be xeno, right? fuck you, die." then i'd promptly gut you like a stuck pig.

so yeah get off the internet, play with your new (old) wack blue docs and try to find some miracle.

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Nothing's wrong with Doc Martens, but why go out of your way to buy a used pair of boots in a not-so-wearable color that will make you look short? It's the same question of proportion that a lot of people raise whenever nfone (no hate, Paul, just saying) posts a fit in boots.

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It's the same question of proportion that a lot of people raise whenever nfone (no hate, Paul, just saying) posts a fit in boots.

god i hate you. but its okay because i dont go out of my house anymore and i hire a guy to profesionally stretch my legs in all images of my likeness.

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