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your 2009 predictions.


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haha, I'm with you matt, if I'm not in a decent job by then, I will have starved to death, or ended my own life...

man...dont listen to what they tell ya - working freelance isn't employment; it just gives you an excuse to piss off the 'work' since your time isn't defined in a cubicle and do other shit. I had a pretty steady gig writing informational profiles for a media company, but I haven't been motivated to do that in like 2 months

the feng shui books weren't lying when they said this isn't my year. Was in the talks with a friend to go into a small joint enterprise. As of now, communication has pretty much been terminated except a random MSN he shot me a few days ago tellin me to check out some Kanye interview

there's something to be said for this kinda 'freedom' though...i spend my days loitering at bookstores and magazine stands, or at home writing crap poetry...some nights i go out to venues where i can perform said poems. i toyed with the idea of going for a PhD, but it'd have to be in HK where at least i can get paid through a grant to read/discuss books, shit since i do it now for free... :(

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some famous sufuer will kill himself and people will make a RIP thread and it will get stickyed

yo whoever is trying to kill themselves holla at me before hand let me know whats in ur closet. paypal certified. got refs too.

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have we not learned from history, as so many people advise, not to attempt to apply foresight based on the past. Look at the Peso, for cryin out loud. Suckers fall for it every. single. time.

on an aside - i dunno how the financial landscape is going to change, but I've come to see that the stock market is probably the greatest human comedy in history.

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Obama gonna keep me alive in 09. The dude got me buyin his promise of hope and change, even though I'm not in America nor American.

'Obama gonn pay my caaar insurance, he gonn get me a big 'ol house, he gonn make shure i gotsa college edumacation... yes lord praise god.'

I predict millions of those dreamers becoming angry mobs.

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well, thanks to my physical distance from the on the ground reality of America, I can safely say that I have no trouble living the next 4(to ?????) years stuck in November 4, 2008 despite whatever happening. I mean geez, people here were forming angry mobs on facebook over Bush, I felt it as much as I would a mosquito bite.

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'Obama gonn pay my caaar insurance, he gonn get me a big 'ol house, he gonn make shure i gotsa college edumacation... yes lord praise god.'

I predict millions of those dreamers becoming angry mobs.

yes, then all the little children of today will be paying it off in taxes tomorrow. Then a revolt will breakout and everyone will die :D. But this probably will not happen in 2009.

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