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Full Count 2009 Contest Redux

Denim Phenom

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kawawaka and i went camping again on saturday . this is the river spot we have been going to for a few months, manipulating the flow, and making dams...




who needs a cooler when you have mountain water



kawawaka is going hard on the knees



the kawawaka fish is fading back into the depths


kawawaka's cooking techniques are as unique as his denimz


and heres my classic sufu shot


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Just hated your first posts, but certainly no more. Definitely out there having fun.

(Take those cans and bottles out with you!)

Keep posting!

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i washed my jeans again and decided to try taking shots in the dark with flash, it seemed to capture the contrast well even though they were still a little wet









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i guess they got crushed when he rolled them through the printing press. ive tried to button them, it doesn't work, hes been relying on the belt. we have been brainstorming on how to fix the situation and i think it will be quite interesting in the end. maybe some thai fisherman type shit, no fly, just a big denim triangle peice that folds over....not sure yet, we'll keep youuns posted

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i dont think those buttons would even be affected if a car ran over them, these forces were much stronger than that

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dope pics^ wish i could rep again...

those look great after a wash, how did you wash them??

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awesome stuff fellas..

I really hope klue's pair makes it to the end.. They look fantastic

Ended up getting dirty while working on my car yesterday, brushed it off and was hoping to keep them going

Tonight, sewer's got backed up and i was bucketing water out of my basement... FML

Wash number 3....April 20th, 2009

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Wow... haven't been around in awhile. Everyone's FC's are lookin good. I was up in NYC this past weekend. Went to BiG! Popped in on Friday and returned on Sat with some more time to hang. Somehow, it was pretty much how I envisioned it would be. You can't take pic's inside the store (my GF got a tongue lashing for takin a few of me in the store with her cellphone) but I was finally able to see some great denim up close. Also, I was able to compare my FC's with brand new ones to see how they're coming along. Wish I could of took a few pic's of that...

All in all, it was a great trip and I have a better understanding of different denim weights, textures, and some of the brands. I met Gordan very briefly. He grew up here in Norfolk VA. Interesting tidbit.


Got some new boots this weekend too. RW's. And, no, that's not my car. Bummer. . .


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dunno. didn't ask. my gf snapped a few pic's of me (on her cell phone) lookin at shirts and stuff (i was unaware) and one of the employees, politely, asked her not to take pic's in the store. maybe someone can chime in. i do have to say that their product pic's on the website do absolutely no justice to the quality of their merchandise.

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As everyone knows, in the fashion business there is a huge counterfeiting problem, so most store won't allow for pictures to be taken. There's also a few people that travel the world just taking pictures of clothes and then selling them on DVD's to garmental idiots who bite shit and can't dream up stuff on their own. I remember before you had digital cameras, you actually had to buy the garment before you could knock it off. In Hong Kong you can buy books and books of these pictures, all bootlegs with no publisher name in sight.

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true that... i used to work at active (socal skateshop) and i remember this one day this dude came in just snapping pics of everything then i went up to the dude and asked him why hes takin pics and while he was talking to me he deleted all of em....so you know he was up to some shit.

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Dude, not to be an ass, but don't touch someone else's shit, especially a car they keep in good condition.

You're not an ass Daveo. . .just a douche. The guy who took the pic owns the car. Piss off dude for being a jackass. So thanks for the lame comment. . .

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