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Imperial Jeans


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  On 1/2/2012 at 10:40 PM, LckyChrmsBBoy said:

Envy, your fit really makes me want to get a pair!! doubt they'll look that good on me tho :(

Thanks mate! Will post some more pictures before I go off travelling and get them hemmed.

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guys, im looking to buy an imperial as my 2nd pair of raw denim, currently rocking N&F broken twill skinny guy, size 28.

well the thing is, im from malaysia and will be studying in melbourne this february. n i heard that the 1 shop that sells imperials at melb, alloftheabove wont stock it anymore. so how can i get to try those pair on? i want it to be a straight, kinda-lose-skinny fit.

they still are in production right? not that it stop or any ? since from what i read a few pages back, everyone seems to be looking for a pair by asking other forummers here in sufu..

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  On 1/20/2012 at 7:49 PM, apsidewatch said:

guys, im looking to buy an imperial as my 2nd pair of raw denim, currently rocking N&F broken twill skinny guy, size 28.

well the thing is, im from malaysia and will be studying in melbourne this february. n i heard that the 1 shop that sells imperials at melb, alloftheabove wont stock it anymore. so how can i get to try those pair on? i want it to be a straight, kinda-lose-skinny fit.

they still are in production right? not that it stop or any ? since from what i read a few pages back, everyone seems to be looking for a pair by asking other forummers here in sufu..

halfsleeve in Sydney have heaps of Imperials in stock.

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New member of SUFU =)

First pair of denims, must admit great pair of jeans! So I've been wearing these for month and a half now, and I'm running into some trouble. I was fat, well not fat but chubbier than I am now month and a half ago. And when I purchased these imperials at Selfedge I had to get a sz. 32 waist. Now that I lost 15 pounds, the waist is bigger than they should be, and it looks kind of weird when I wear it. WHAT CAN I DO TO FIX THIS PROBLEM? =/

I hemmed off 4 inches, and got it tapered at a local tailoring store, turned out pretty good.

They were never soaked or washed, let me know how I'm doing!










Edited by kevinsoofly
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man u done fucked up

edit: if u hadnt tapered the jeans, an initial soak wouldve shrunk the hem and waist and then you wouldnt have had to post this problem

Edited by SamRyz
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Would the proxi03 be the same fit as the sexi14?

I'm having a hard time finding sexi08s or sexi14s. SE only has black ones left ffs. Scouring the forums, everyone who is selling one, has them worn with creases and fades and shit. I'm looking for a relatively new or brand new one.

Any ideas? I was thinking if the proxi03 has the same fit, I'd get those instead.

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well i believe proxi03 has a similar fit to the sexi14's. they both have a slimmer fit, proxi03 having the apc petite fit, but sexi14 having the 18 cm cut (i think correct me if i'm wrong)

proxi's are around the same price as sexi14's!

i'll post a pictures of my fit once i get them if that makes it easier for you to choose

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Please do :)

I know both have a slimmer fit, but there isn't much info on the proxi03.There probably are in some of the Thai forums, but even after using google translate, I don't get much out of the discussions. I know the sexi14 has a cut similar to 18 or 18.5cm yeah.

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