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Who is watching the Canadian Prime Ministerial debate tonight?


Who should win this clusterfuck of an election?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win this clusterfuck of an election?

    • Liberal (Stephane Dion)
    • New Democratic Party (Jack Layton)
    • Stephen Harper (Convervatives)
    • Bloc Quebequois (Gilles Duceppe)
    • Green Party (Elizabeth May)
    • What in the fuck is a prime minister?

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Dion is really asserting himself as an intelligent and rational actor, and overcoming the stupid fucking caricature that the conservatives have been ramming down our throats for the past 6 months. the "green shift" actually makes reasonable sense if you actually take the time to understand it.

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I doubt I will vote as I don't follow politics, I should though, just seems like a lot of work listening to what they will do and them not do it. If I do Liberal is probably what I will do.

I like Jack Laytons mustache though, hes been NDP leader for as long as I can remember.

My friend also told me to vote Liberal and tried to explain things to me but I didn't listen.

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if they ban handguns before i can get my restricted license i'm going to be annoyed

that's about as closely as i've been following

don't get me started on this. and that pointless registration, bahhh!

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interestingly, the canadian debate layout is infinitely more entertaining than the states. 5 people yelling at each other around a table.

mogli - please vote.

actually, cinderella and i were discussing tonight how god damn trashy canadian politics are compared to american. they address each other so politely in US debates, but in canada it's all bashbashbash, and no one ever really says anything.

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interestingly, the canadian debate layout is infinitely more entertaining than the states. 5 people yelling at each other around a table.

mogli - please vote.

My view is if I don't know who or what I am voting for then it would be irresponsible to just randomly pick, I'm watching the debate right now the 2 conservatives started arguing haha I love Canada. :D

Edit: lol he did

"I wont raise taxes"

"you wont raise taxes?"

*drinks*"I wont raise taxes"


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My view is if I don't know who or what I am voting for then it would be irresponsible to just randomly pick, I'm watching the debate right now the 2 conservatives started arguing haha I love Canada. :D

Edit: lol he did

"I wont raise taxes" "you wont raise taxes when. Ever?"

*drinks*"I wont raise taxes"


edited for extra incredulity.

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This is the first time in my (admittedly short) voting life that I have been conflicted about my vote. I happen to live in Bob Rae's riding, and putting aside party loyalties I think he's the most lucid figure in Canadian politics right now. So, I've got some thinking to do.

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i was considering voting for Jack Layton based on his mustache, and also his no nonsense attitude. but lets be real...if he has gramps' vote, he has my vote.

edit - just saw your post. that's a toughie. that speech he gave was pretty fantastic.

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