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attn: all the haters on this site

danny homegrown

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Funny how you know there is going to be haters.........maybe because your stuff is actually garbage........you think because you put fucking logos on a t-shirt like everyone else, you have the right to call yourself a clothing company.........where the hell are the clothes? All I see is gay logos?

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Don't get me wrong, i hate t-shirt companies who spurt out printed pre-made (american apparel, hanes, gildan etc) t-shirts as if they are fashion designers.

But that said, look at the stores the thing is in. Makes you wonder, they must have a genius marketing the thing.

I hope that itch isn't what i think it is...

... could someone take a photo of me like this

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Actually, DannyHomeGrown

I am not going to pass judgement until i've seen the gear in real life.

In fact, i'm not going to hate on it, like most other people have done. I say its good you guys are getting off your arse and have a product.

Good effort.

I hope that itch isn't what i think it is...

... could someone take a photo of me like this

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Actually, DannyHomeGrown

I am not going to pass judgement until i've seen the gear in real life.

In fact, i'm not going to hate on it, like most other people have done. I say its good you guys are getting off your arse and have a product.

Good effort.

--- Original message by johninger on Nov 10, 2005 10:42 PM

AMEN to that!

Danny, "Pay no attention to the hater behind the curtain."

You deserve all the credit in the world for your efforts.

I salute you.

Be aware that your getting shit from people who probably DON'T have their own line out there.

(You don't see BobbyHundreds criticizing your line or bashing your ideas.)

Successful people critique, others criticize.

Take your dream and your vision and don't look back.

Best of luck to you.

BTW, Your site must be getting a ton of hits because I can't get on it.

Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

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The Maradona shirt is great. I had no idea The Hand of God had turned into such a fat fucker. Most of the rest of the line is poor however. The ‘Jew Boy’ shirt in particular is fucking terrible. Also, didn’t the dead at Twenty7 shirts come out like two years ago?

One other thing: you might want to consider losing the explanations accompanying the more obscure images (or at least writing them for an audience with a greater than 4th grade reading level).

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Quote: Be aware that your getting shit from people who probably DON'T have their own line out there.

Why do people repeatedly drag out this weak fucking excuse for not taking criticism? I've never been director of FEMA, but it was still possible for me to criticize Michael Brown for being an incompetent fuckup.

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Quote: Be aware that your getting shit from people who probably DON'T have their own line out there.

Why do people repeatedly drag out this weak fucking excuse for not taking criticism? I've never been director of FEMA, but it was still possible for me to criticize Michael Brown for being an incompetent fuckup.

--- Original message by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Nov 11, 2005 09:16 AM

Taking criticism? is that what outright bashing is being called these days?

Criticism and critiquing are different.

Do you walk into a store, see a shirt you don't like, call the designer or store owner and tell him it sucks?

No. You simply walk by and don't purchase that shirt.

It's easy to say "wack" and "that sucks" and "played out" from behind a keyboard.

I doubt the reponse would be the same if you were speaking with the guy.

Critique the stuff, tell him what you like and what you don't like, be specific.

Be constructive. People are here to learn and grow.

He's not responding by saying "fuck you, what do you know".

BTW, do you have any idea what it takes to respond to a national emergency?

What qualifies you to tell Michael Brown he's incompetent?

Please educate me on the ins and outs of response time, fund allocation, security measures, and providing quality health care and first aid in devasted areas.

I'd love to learn and grow. Shit, I may even agree with you.

Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

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danny homegrown set himself up for this by starting the thread in the first place. If his product had any real merit, he'd have received plenty of love. Very few people on here are hating just for the sake of it, most are just tired of seeing people churn out boring, poorly printed designs on cheap generic t-shirts.

As for telling someone that their designs suck face to face: If some guy I'd never met before came up to me on the street with his arms full of shirts featuring boring, poorly printed designs and said he was ready for me to hate on them I'd be happy to oblige. If someone I knew asked for my opinion I'd be a lot more tactful. I'm not going to compliment something I think is shit just to save somebody’s feelings under either circumstance. You're not doing anyone any favors if you do that because they will continue doing whatever it is they are doing badly.

Quote: What qualifies you to tell Michael Brown he's incompetent?

The fact that I read a fucking newspaper from time to time. You don't have to know a single thing about what is required to do a job properly to be able to recognize when it's being done poorly.

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Nov 11, 2005 at 02:17 PM

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You may read a newspaper from time to time, but I doubt you pay attention.

If you paid attention when you read my post, I said: Tell him what you like and what you don't like.

I never said don't hurt his feelings.

How do you know his tees are poorly printed?

Do you own one? Have you seen one and felt it with your hands?

Have something to say with relevance and qualify it.

Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

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call the american apparel number, tell them you want 500 t-shirts. go take them to someone who'll print your designs. make a website. go on superfuture and dare everyone to check out your shit.

what part of this should impress me?

Edited by sarno on Nov 11, 2005 at 02:41 PM

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I generally respect anyone that has balls enough to attempt producing their own line. Many people on this board respond in a negative way to everything that is posted. You eventually figure out who's opinion has merit. Posting something like "this shit sucks" isn't helpful, or even a real critique.

The other thing that baffles me is the people who are in the same business..... hating on guys trying to get in the business. They, of all people, should know how hard it is....and respect the effort...if not the product.

Of course some people just bring it on themselves by putting up over the top "We're the baddest MotherF***ers ever, and we're taking over the world!" type posts. If you know your shit is that good...you don't need to be asking for opinions on SF.

Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. jallen01@maine.rr.com

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