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Yes or No topic: Are you seriously thinking about voting Mccain?


Seriously, Mccain? AND Palin? For reals?  

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  1. 1. Seriously, Mccain? AND Palin? For reals?

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^ i can't say much about that. my mom's been involved with the brooklyn democratic party for years, my grandpa was involved with brklyn republicans. seen too much to care much for either party. i'm not rich enough to be a republican and i'm too self-sufficient to be a democrat. i just want less war and more money in my pocket. i'm fucked.

this is interesting in that it seems like the democrats are actually the way to both, for a change (look at how well republicans and uber-capitalism have served the US thus far!)

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I haven't read the articles yet, but wait-- We're going by what the Post and Fox News says...?

I'm not the biggest Obama lover ever, nor much a fan of McCain either but neither of those is exactly the most trustworthy source for either party...

Either way, the President can't really do much about what's happening with the markets anyways. We're fucked no matter who we choose.

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gonna be tough for mccain to say anything about too much spending. i also don;t get how he is selling change. people are buying it though. change would be Ah-nold.

That's what I don't get. Who's buying that bullshit? Jesus, people are dumb. My biggest fear is that they're all in the same camp. Obama could easily get into office and none of the healthcare shit happen...and that's pretty much one of the only positive things he's got going for him in my book...that and just overall fiscal policy...and not being Mccain. or Palin, for that matter. Fuck politics.

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I'm gonna figure out what political stance the girl i'm talking to has, and then agree with her to try and get some

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That's what I don't get. Who's buying that bullshit? Jesus, people are dumb. My biggest fear is that they're all in the same camp. Obama could easily get into office and none of the healthcare shit happen...and that's pretty much one of the only positive things he's got going for him in my book...that and just overall fiscal policy...and not being Mccain. or Palin, for that matter. Fuck politics.
if you were in healthcare, you would see that obama's health care plans would ruin it for everyone

and both main candidates wouldn't fix anything

they'll just put the nail in the coffin for 5-10 worst years of our lives instead of 1-2

did you guys know that obama didnt rape and kill a woman in 1991

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I'm not gonna lie I'm a single issue voter. I don't give a fuck about Iraq, so long as the military remains in command and not congress. I don't give a fuck about gays. Or abortion. Or retards. Or DUIs in 1986. Or black vs white. Or male vs. female. Or old vs. young.... don't care.

I just can't vote for anybody looking to raise corporate taxes in america and increase protectionist tarriffs under the pretense of "creating jobs". Thats some bass ackwards shit right there.

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i wouldnt want democrats in office with a democratic congress when we're having economic troubles

what we need is a sane fiscal conservative, but we'll never get one

couldn't agree more. i'm more of a capitalist when it comes to the economics and i don't make 250k, i believe that there are people who earn 250k because they've put in the time and effort to do so. under both tax plans, people who earn less than 250k are still getting reduced taxes anyway. i just don't see how the economy is going to do "better" when the high rollers don't have excess to spend and stimulate the market.

but fuck palin, everybody knows her type. the fucking mom that wont shut up at her kid's soccer/hockey game who thinks that searching on google makes her an expert on everything. c'mon, PTA mom for vp/p? no thxxx

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i actually supported mccain running for president with powell back in 04, too bad mccain went crazy



haha, best show of all time! If you follow the show, peggy never liked hanks father, cotton hill, and ends up talkng shit to Cotton Hill until he ultimately passes away in the hospital bed.

Sarah Palin will do the same to Cottton McCain

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doesnt matter what any candidate says about their economic plan.....there really isnt much they can do (in their terms)

i hear canada isnt too bad

canada's economy is intertwined with ours

international markets are just as bad as ours

time to buy silver and gold guys :)

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