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Watch me get rocked in t6

Aris is commentating

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^ very typical new school fighter comment. as if AE is more balanced, lul

anyway, played at superarcade wit dat boy drano and dat boy winq

it was on a randomly open/free cabinet, turned out it was super and not AE. which is bad because i have no excuse for my abel sucking, i am just mad free

i went ham in marvel tho, i went 6-0 as soon as i walked in the door, even beating OCVing clockwork with tron lol.. but then by the end of the night, ppl downloaded my team :(

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berndog never played 3SO

i never played 3SO, i played 3S.. in 2007-2008 lol

  pompadork said:
^ AE isn't balanced either, but thinking 3S is broken definitely isn't new school fighter comment. Shit is old school fact.

i was commenting more on how royale is quick to play the 'game is broken card' as a reason. many successful fighting games were broken (3s and mvc2) but they were still at EVO. 3S is just past is prime, 3SO is more of a fanservice than anything. AE 11 and Marvel 3 are super broken too, and they're at evo

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I guess AE having three broken tier chars is same as 3S ┐(´ー`)┌

3SO is def. fan service though I don't think anyone was expecting it to be at Evo. I was thinking SF X Tekken would be also kind of a side tourney game but it looks more interesting with each character reveal. That leaked roster list, if true, is sweet. Rolento yes prease.


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lol i posted that on my tumblr but deleted it cuz it looks like shiet when scaled down ;~;

but yo kinda wish he used a different plexi panel, i think a brushed opaque black pexi would look sick with that config.. but im just a sucker for black and clear stuff. if i ever get around to it, i might build one of those.. i have a lot of leftover buttons but im not sure if those are all 24mm with a 30mm jump or 30mm with an even bigger jump button..

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shame about the name on the art /:

  pompadork said:
^^ Better training than Blazblue? ]:


Things you can do with the training mode:

-you can manipulate every little setting in the free training, you can even slow the game down so you can count frames haha.

Things the training mode does for you:

-takes you through the command list

-takes you every mechanic in the game and explains why and when its useful.

-teaches you strategy and things you should be looking to do with your character and why. teaches you useful combos, when to use them, and whether situations are to your advantage/disadvantage. During these strategy lessons you play against different characters and the game tells you why its useful against that character.

-you got the whole challenge mode and mission mode (evade x number of

times, get 2 perfects, do a 5 hit combo, etc.)

it really teaches you the game and i've seen no other game that does so more effectively. i went from skeptical noob to lifelong fan

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