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dear supermod [and neto too]


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really though this is a serious problem (if you can call anything on a forums serious of course)

if your community relies too much on old members, you get a huge circle jerk that puts off potential new members

if your community relies too much on new members, you get the lanvin, common projects, dior homme denim, etc. threads

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If anyone is serious about working towards this site being successful, you have to clean up the current environment. And contrary to popular belief, that Doesn't mean me.

The site is not condusive to new members which means it simply will not grow unless the average member here is willing to put up with the million man march of retard harrassment day-in and day-out, just to find some good material. And the site does have alot of useful information and the plague of droolers are ruining it for everyone.

At it's current state, new members are just flung threw a choute, down a slide, into a room full of 12 year olds in flannel shirts peeing on each other and on the walls, and we are in the cross fire. And admins can check the recent history of new members, post quality in comparison to "Vets", and make simple conclusions that there is a large problem.

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or maybe you just don't fit in here. look at kunk for a guide on how to be a good new poster. he has similar interests as the rest of the forum and his posts are fun to read.

tighter moderation would just mean that you get ignored instead of called out.

Whether you realize this or not, you just supported my point with this post.

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