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all about dat privatez school?



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    • private school ass nigga like lab and i
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I went to private school. At prep school we had to wear a cap, blazer, shorts, and long socks; only after age nine did we graduate to long trousers. Pictures are possibly inbound for maximum lulz.

Try not graduating to long trousers until age 15. Shit gets cold in Melbourne, too.

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yeah, prof my dad was military. So we moved from base-to-base every 3 years. I just happened to have changed schools alot other than that as well.

Bomb threats are not serious...I've been through like 30 of them.

and I was the whitest kid at both the schools I went to in DC.

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Public school peasant here. Although, my high school had chic fila sandwiches so it worked out.

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Beg your pardon, sir? Have you had chic-fila breakfast? Florida ain't even real south till you get to the panhandle. We just enjoy bits of south, bits of old jew, and lots of hipsanics.

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on the bus the driver would always send me and my friend to the front because we were too loud/she was a bitch

eventually it got to the point where we were permanently up there, so my friend brought a monkey wrench to school and we took apart the seat to the point the cushion would fall off if you pushed it. i still have some bolts and metal pieces from the seat. except eventually one of the little indian kids who lived at the front of the bus saw us and we had to bribe him with candy for the rest of the year so he wouldn't tell.

we also crushed a paintball in one of the textbooks before handing it in.

also, i was in a "gifted" class full of some awkward/nerdy motherfuckers, and went into highschool knowing 1 person. im convinced that messed me up socially to an extent.

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^those gifted programs were a joke. I remember that a good chunk of my elementary school was moved to a new "GATE" elementary school which stood for gifted and talented education.

Eventually we all met up with those motherfuckers in highschool and most of them didn't end up better than the rest of us.

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