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Dior Homme Denim


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  xh0llyw00dxx said:
Browns won't mark down so you will pay customs. VAT is not taken out so it will be cheaper. But not 19% cheaper. It's more complicated than that, you have to determine what price+19% would make the price they are selling at, and that is what it would be without VAT. It's slightly less than 19% I think.


Those are then 19cms. They don't have many sizes left...

Mad cheap if you're a 33 or 36 though

I put in an order a few days back for some 21cm black raws in 33 but their stock apparently isn't ever updated. Got a call today saying they've been sold out for weeks (of course, this is after they charged my credit card).

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  JoyDiffusion said:
I put in an order a few days back for some 21cm black raws in 33 but their stock apparently isn't ever updated. Got a call today saying they've been sold out for weeks (of course, this is after they charged my credit card).

ugh that doesnt sound good

i was looking at buying those 19cm sz 33

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You want to hear my opinion? I think it looks shitty. 19cm is not the end-all be-all to jeans and buying them will not secure you a nice silhouette at all. You actually have to have an eye and proper judgement without bias if you're going to wear the pants nicely, in fact I read the entire thread over today and it was 90% abysmal. The same two mistakes are being repeated over and over and it's hard to watch... It's even harder to watch 2-3 posts complimenting a bad fit to feel better about their own. Open your eyes.


Dress to your body type. Chances are you're not proportioned like a Dior boy. Lots people aren't, most people don't have spider legs. If you're a stocky square like in the above me then look elsewhere and stop trying to force something that can't be. 21cms are nice but often the thighs can still be a problem, maybe look to APC Rescue (cleverly named cut).


Diors are vanity sized for a reason and I don't think Hedi had in mind that people buy his jeans to hug all up in their ass. That looks awful no matter what and I see so much of that here even post-stretching. When you size down, make sure you're sizing down from low-rise jeans a good 3-4' below your naval and not anything else. The smallest part of my torso is 26' but I wear my skinnies low and measuring 32-33'... and it looks not sloppy, but indisputably good. I've even gotten compliments from people who hate 'skinny jeans', the ultimate test!

Btw by far the best fit pic here was Hollywood's Mists which is why I'm curious to his 'coal drills'... just my opinion but I'm sure many would agree on this... for a lot of these fit pics though I just had to say something

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you're right... I don't have "dior boy" proportions which is why I "sized up". Since I'm wearing a larger size and the hem gets larger for each size my lower half is essentially a 21cm in a smaller size. Mine dont hug my ass at all unless they get really slouched down but I usually keep them pulled up so they aren't hanging off my ass. Straight on w/o a mirror they look a lot more like tragicbliss' 21cm's (pictured below) which is the exact fit I was trying to go for.


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  xh0llyw00dxx said:
skistar I think your fit is fine and it's the angle of the mirror making them look like shit.

That's not to say there aren't some shitty fits in here though

ya, mirrors+downward angles really fuck it all up. once I get all settled and such I'll get some taken with my tripod that give a better idea of the fit, I just had some time and figured I'd throw up some pics

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Haha, nice to finally see some discussion on this thread! As far as fits go I don't think it's a big deal, to each their own.

I'll take some photos this weekend as my mom is coming to visit me at school! Which means I get to escape dorm food, but more importantly I get to use those really big mirrors all hotels have to take some nice fit pics!



It's midterm season... My Diorzzz probably hate staying in the library with me all day. :(

Anyway expect pics by...saturday night?

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I can't find jeans with that exact reference code.

8H3111760906 503

8h means f/w 08.

311 I believe means jeans

The rest no longer follows the usual codes that are explained in the faq, but most of the jeans from this season have codes like this. None of the ones on Diabro or LVR match that code.

Please Underestimate - I wish there was a size in between the two but the 27s look a little bit too tight, especially the pockets on the back. Go for 28s.

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  xh0llyw00dxx said:
I can't find jeans with that exact reference code.

8H3111760906 503

8h means f/w 08.

311 I believe means jeans

The rest no longer follows the usual codes that are explained in the faq, but most of the jeans from this season have codes like this. None of the ones on Diabro or LVR match that code.

Please Underestimate - I wish there was a size in between the two but the 27s look a little bit too tight, especially the pockets on the back. Go for 28s.

Thanks for the help

The only thing i know is that they are 21cm

In fact i wanted to know their name because i bought them (in sales, so they are from last season), and a friend of mine like them a lot and want them, but we just cant find them anywhere (i bought them in barcelona when i was on holidays there, and i wont go back there until like 2 monthes maybe ;S)

Thanks for the help anyway =)

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Wow thanks H0llywood! Makes me feel a bit at ease. sweet. getting them. By the pics it is not worn yet ,so looks like a good deal. Cause the tag on my mij indigo reads differently. Got these from the Grapist. Mine says

"Laver Separement

A L'envers.

Please Always Wash

This Garment By Itself,

Inside Out.

Fabrique AU Japon

Made In Japan"

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