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Guys Shopping Together


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I went shopping with my buddy who was locally based in HK. I did the research on the stores/brands I wanted to hit up and he helped me find those places. It's a lot of fun, even if you just end up browsing and not buying anything. He wouldn't have known those stores existed if not for me, and he ended up liking some of the stuff I showed him. We went to the CDG guerilla store that was like in the middle of nowhere, got lost and all, and had a great time just appreciating the concept store. Like going to gallery or seeing art. It sometimes goes more than the buying aspect, like we would walk in to the store and just people watch or appreciate all these cute sales ladies trying to sell us something.

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Guest Berget__

I ALWAYS go shopping with friends. Going alone sucks. Kinda helps that almost all of my friends are interested i fashion and clothes.

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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I think shopping with guys is definitely dependent on the person. If it's someone who values fashion and can afford it, it's great. But this is not exclusive to only people who have the money. maybe instead of buying that $50 pair of jeans at GAP, if you search around, you can find a great deal at designer clearance sections, or department stores, or stores like nordstrom rack, outlets, etc.

It's often hard though with guys, since most time they don't have the patience to search and look through so many clothes, it's more of a social check out stuff type experience, and to hang out.

However, being with guys that drunk and go shopping, you'd be surprised the outcome if you are shopping.

Personally, I like shopping with other people, guys or girls, but girls overall know shopping could be a several hour agenda. And good to go out with since they introduce you to some new styles, but maybe some you aren't so comfortable with, but looks nice.

If I shop alone, it feels like I'm an art gallery taking my time and searching and enjoying each of the places I visit, I can make my decisions and take as much time as I want without having someone nagging me if I'm done yet.

As for New Yorkers, there are plenty of sample sales, it's a great way to get into fashion for cheap, but a mass majority is women apparel.

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Yea, I agree that shopping alone definitely has its advantages. I think most of the ppl on the board really take their time and like to consider what they're buying, in terms of cut/quality/style and all those things. When I go with other ppl to shop, guys in general, it just seems rushed. I kinda feel like I'm dragging someone with me. I think going alone is just an experience, I personally feel more relaxed and have fun just looking at things.

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..you can call it a man date i guess. I tend to shop alone but lately me and a few of my boys link up on a weekend afternoon and hit numerous stores just window shopping. At the same time we're doing this we're skeeming on females and causing trouble also so it makes it a fun experince overall.

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I go shopping with friends for sure. But I do more shopping alone. I guess it's much easier to go at your own pace.

I don't think it will become the same kind of shopping most women do however. I get bored in stores where I can't find anything, and I don't find it amusing watching my friends try on clothes.

Funny, there are so many guys who go shopping, and as soon as they get in the store they are completely confused and don't know what to do. They usually just look around until someone who works there offers to help; but when asked, they don't really know what they want. " I just need some new clothes".

A question: Do you ever go shopping without a purpose? Personally I almost always have something I'm looking for, moreover having everything planned before hand. I don't think I ever just walked around and then just bought something.

--- Original message by Marcus on Oct 18, 2005 03:10 PM

agree, and yes, i go to store just to look @ things, for the fuck of it
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i agree with most people on this thread, i think shopping with friends, guys or girls doesn't matter, is more fun, but it's more about having a good time and hanging out and stuff, if i really want to buy stuff i go alone, take my time to look at what i want and then buy it.

it's better that way, without having the feeling the other people want to go or something

''Don't be afraid to do stupid things, cause íf things wouldn't be stupid, everyone would be doing those things ''.

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shopping iwth whoever it doesnt matter, its more of a social activity to me. i only have a couple of friends who are in to the same fashion sense as i do, the rest dont really care for it, so if i need somethign specific ill go with my friends who know what theyre doing and just get my item and go, but if its just with people ill shop to hang out.


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