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wtf happens to joker in the end? are we lead to believe that the swat team apprehended him? did they blow his brains out? will he use another cell phone stomach bomb to get out of jail?

that aside. i duno, best movie i've seen in a long time. could easily be one of the best movies i've ever seen in my life. heath ledger completely owned that shit. oscar oscar oscar. cinematography was perfect, loved the bleak, cold, yet glossy feel it had. i mean, it was fucking perfect. even the sonar couldn't ruin it for me. maggie gylennahllahlhal is smoking hot too, fuck the naysayers.

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Did Lucius Fox quit at the end? No Morgan Freeman in future movies?

I don't even want to watch future batman movies. There can be no better villains than heath ledger's joker.

I saw this for the second time today and I have to say you have to appreciate all the little details in the movie like the very first conversation b/w the female detective and gordon about her mom being the hospital, the dog biting through batman's armor, things you don't notice unless you anticipate it.

Maggie Gyllenhaal was smoking hot, but the interrogation scene with lau was really bad acting, the rest were ok.

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Overall, was pretty amazing, aside from all the black people, like usual, screaming out "OH SHIT NIGGA" whenever anything happened,

i was so annoyed at my theatre when all the white people expressed interest in rachel dawes death, joker making a pencil disappear by smashing a gangster's face into it (they really liiked that one), commissioner gordon pretends to die to protect his family but he reappears later on just in time to save batman from joker, they also had a riot when joker bust out of jail by calling a cell phone implanted in another prisoners stomach,

also batman taking the blame for two face's murders in order to give harvey dent the legacy he deserved

neither of the groups on the boats blow each other up, and batman reveals himself only it's not batman, but two face

and ledger was amazing as joker!!

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I didnt really understand it? I found the plot really confusing?

i felt the same way sort of, in the way they led up to an action, the transition was kinda unclear. i don't remember specifically any point, but even when they watched it a second time, it was still unclear although i knew what was going to happen.

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^^ The only thing that annoyed me was Dent. Seemed like they threw that together to fill that space, but even that somehow didn't deter from the movie. It was just pointless.

If i remember correctly, the joker swapped the addresses so that batman would save dent instead of rachel, then he used rachels death to turn dent against batman and the police.

I think dent was important in the sense that he was a 'point' that the joker was trying to make. That even the best people do have the ability fo fall from grace and turn into killers. Kinda reminds me of kevin spacey in seven.

Great movie. But batmans voice was awful

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I've seen a lot of these reviews popping up recently: they have some interesting points but overall they seem to fall into their own trap. That is, they lambaste the "darkness" and "intellectual depravity" as signs of "modern fear" (p.s. whatever) but spend the entire time backing themselves into the "but back in the good old days..." corner of fear which is, in my opinion, much worse.

I agree, I personally think they are trying way too hard to bring the movie down. And in the end, Is it not what the audience thinks?

"That might be the ultimate capitalist deception."

"...teen demographic. This not only revamps ideas of escapist entertainment; like Nolan, it corrupts them."

"Nolan’s single trick is to torment viewers with relentless action montages; distracting ellipses that create narrative frustration and paranoia. Delayed resolution. Fake tension. Such effects used to be called cheap."

Come on... really?

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the scene after the joker escapes from jail and is wildin out hanging out the window of a cop car... weeeeoww. made


dick twitch.

no music, no sound.

just twitchin

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^that was pretty chilling. the whole jail cell scene was brilliant.

i really like how they didn't show any cheesy scenes of the joker sitting at "the headquarters" with his goons plotting how they were gonna blow up the hospital, or set up the bomb in the stomach, or any of that shit. definitely had a bigger impact with him just moving in silence.

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after seeing the movie what bothers me most about the review is that it seemed to focus on there being no hope...no light at the end of the tunnel. but the boat scene (although slightly predictable) gave exactly that . . . as soon as they choose to do the right thing they complete undo anything that review says


I dunno. I saw the boat scene as complete criticism of the public at large, as was the rest of the movie. The boat full of normal people VOTE to kill everyone else. But after that they're too chickenshit to actually kill the other boat. It didn't really have anything to do with them being good people. In every other scene, the public at large is ready to sacrifice Batman, the accountant, etc. etc.

Unfortunately I can't remember what other movies push the "public can't be trusted" argument, but it's getting thrown around a lot.

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white guy was an asshole though. and swarmy.

We look at deebo and think he going to press the button. The white guard wants to press but doesn't have the balls. Nope, he saved the day and provided a lesson through mere action. Straight up Magical negro.

and wise =/= magicial.

Edit: And c'mon, i'm joking about this but not. Deebo is so magical negro, i'm not even trying to argue this hahaha

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