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sorry to get angry mang, no hate to you and all, but you really gotta see this movie. I mean, it's certainly not the best shit I've ever seen....

....but it's well worth the praise.

and CB don't need no lips. Sure, some of his dialogue comes off forced, but Heath makes the movie. Oh, and Harvey was FANTASTIC.

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sorry to get angry mang, no hate to you and all, but you really gotta see this movie. I mean, it's certainly not the best shit I've ever seen....

....but it's well worth the praise.

and CB don't need no lips. Sure, some of his dialogue comes off forced, but Heath makes the movie. Oh, and Harvey was FANTASTIC.

nah I shouldnt shit on thread like that...

I should see it, purely for the IMAXness of it... but I have a tendency to hate these sorts of films... like the latest bond, which everyone I know blows loads over...

I take it, it's better than Batman Begins...

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yeah, it definitely is.

Some random couple on the way out complained about its length (which I'm hard pressed to think of parts they could have cut) and batmans philosophy, which is just dumb since they weren't familiar with it, and I felt that the movie did an adequate job explaining it.

Fuck, it was good. Tense as hell also, Nolan really knows how to bring that shit up. Some of the dialogue was weird, but eh, w/e I lived with it.

oh and the quantum of solace trailer was before it? Must've missed that. The T4 teaser was pretty cool though, even if I think it's completely pointless. Death Race looks fun as hell, and I'll definitely be there opening day for Watchmen.

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heath couldnt act his way out of a wet paper bag

Before today, I would have agreed with you. After seeing this movie, I will guarantee that the man will be the heavy favorite for the Oscar, regardless of anything that comes out after this. It's irrelevant. It was a brilliant, show-stealing performance in a flawless movie.

I had no interest in seeing this movie until someone told me yesterday that they had midnight tickets. Figured what the fuck. So I went in with no expectations, just looking to kill some time. Don't like comic books, don't really care for Batman movies, so that makes the next thing I say kinda strange...but that was easily one of the greatest movies ever created. Emphasis on the ever. Forget the year; it's got that with no competition.

I'll stop ejaculating onto this thread and simply encourage everyone to go see this posthaste.

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Just got back. I agree with Lab: fucking fantastic. If you've ever enjoyed an action movie there is no way you wouldn't enjoy Dark Knight. It was a little long and I'm certain they could've cut a few things but I didn't care. I enjoyed all of it.

extremely negative review questioning the intellectual and moral values of The dark knight


Holy shit, do people that enjoy this writer masturbate to themselves in the mirror?? The guy that wrote it obviously does. I tried to read it - really - but couldn't make it past the second paragraph. Anywho, the moralizing in the movie was mostly contradictory and irritating. My only criticism and please, argue if you think I'm wrong, I'd love to be wrong about it.

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yeah, i don't think dent really contributed as much as a villain.. kinda weak in that area. but OMG SOO GOOOOOD. my brother's friend bought 16 tickets and there was one extra so i saw it too. i probably will end up watching it a second time. by the way, did anyone stay until after credits? was there something after?

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A few caveats after two viewings (spoilers?):

1. Editing during the final showdown with the Joker in the half-completed skyscraper was iffy at best, all the “sonar†shots (Daredevil?!) really started to grate on me.

2. I’m not going to totally dismiss Bale’s Batman voice, but after about seven or so words it starts getting a bit hokey (See: the speeches with Joker, Dent, and Gordon near the end of the movie).

3. So… they just left the Joker there at the top of the building in Bruce’s penthouse? How did he get down there with Batman already waiting at the ground floor? The one hole in the plot/unexplained thing that irked me a little.

Also... I got a bit sad after that line from the Joker, "I feel we should do this for the rest of our lives" (or whatever). :(

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1. My friend and I were also a little irritated by the whole sonar thing. But the moral they tried to send with it was kind of interesting.

2. The voice is irritating. The worst is at the end of Batman Begins when he gives his speech to Katie Holmes. At the end of DK you can barely understand him.

3. The penthouse thing pissed me off, too.

^^ The only thing that annoyed me was Dent. Seemed like they threw that together to fill that space, but even that somehow didn't deter from the movie. It was just pointless.
yeah, i don't think dent really contributed as much as a villain.. kinda weak in that area. but OMG SOO GOOOOOD.

The problem is seeing Dent as a full fledged villain in the same way as Joker. I viewed him simply as an extension of Joker. A supporting character to him, if you will.

Whenever someone asks where to get Joker's shoes I'm going to say Carpe Diem.

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Caught the midnight show, every single time Joker came on screen you feel nervous. The pencil trick? Wow.

I'll probably end up seeing it at least one more time in theatres. Dent felt under-used, but the makeup was pretty freaky once you see him in motion. It definitely makes you wonder how a third movie will end up, though.

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I would never try to paraphrase The Watchmen.

cuz it's SO GOOD

Start reading that shit and you won't put the book down.

From the looks of that trailer, the movie might suck. :(

Should be more dialogue than violence, and I hated 300 :(.

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