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Getting Yelled At On The Street?


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Disclaimer : This is in no way a brag post, I just want to know what the hell happened and why it happened, if anything I am kind of freaked out.

I was walking to the bank on the main street in my city and I hear off in the distance from the other side of the street "HEY YOU!" in a females voice. Because it's a busy street I didn't think it was directed at me and kept walking.

It continued , I was walking faster than the people yelling so it was getting more distant. "Hey you! STOP!". I get to a red light, which allows them time to catch up a bit and as I cross the street and get to the other side, I hear giggling and running. I hear "you have such a niceee ass".

They go on for a bit longer and then I hear "CAN YOU PLEASE TURN AROUND" in a frustrated voice. So I turn around and to my surprise these girls are fairly good looking and under other circumstances would have been all about them. I turn back around and keep walking and the one that wasn't talking about how hot I was says " What is your problem? We aren't drunk we are perfectly capable of harassing people while sober "

I just keep walking and tell them I can't stop to talk because I have stuff to do, and they never get very close. Eventually the hotter of the two, the one yelling about my hotness says "I take it all back you're a prick" and they give up on me.

Can someone explain this situation. Even though they were hot they ruin their so bad by practically chasing me down the street I don't think I'd ever have a good vibe about turning around and talking to them. It was just weeeird. What was going on in their heads? What could trigger a girl to want to do this? I really don't think it was a prank, but this doesn't happen to me often. I mean I don't look like David Beckham so it isn't often girls find me so attractive they need to harass me as I walk down the street. What could possibly compel people to act this way?

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I wonder what that feels like... :P

jk - sucks you got harassed or whatever. guys do this too, they're always all "hey sexy" etc then when you don't slow down or go talk to them theyre like "whatever bitch I didnt wanna talk to you anyways" or something. weird girls were doing it to you though... but maybe you're just that hot.

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sorry to break it to you homie but you surf the rainbow. aint nuthin a matter with it though, supposedly they income is usually higher then others and they wear dior

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well it depends, are you a guy or a girl?

If youre a girl they might have wanted to know about somethign you were wearing

If youre a guy why did you walk away? That was a lob, why would you shun advances from attractive chicks?

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black women holla at me when I'm downtown at night

cuz they mistakenly think my dothead ass is a dark skinned brotha

and as they get closer they are like what the hell is this, i could whip this twig boy so hard his spine gon break

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It's not that I'm gay. Just confused as to what kind of girls could possibly acting like that towards me? Sounds like something I don't want anywhere near my cock. In another situation I would have been all for these girls.

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When girls are together there is a weird sisterhood power of insanity, and they do things they would never do if they were alone...

They probably saw you and one said, 'that guy is cute!' and then another one of them said, 'haha, we should go pick him up!' and another girl said, 'omg, no!' but the ballsy girl had already yelled her first words...

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lol word brad.. same shit here being groped by some chicks who thought my ass was made out of chocolate but yo kyle i just would've turned around got their numbers and kept it moving lol , some girls are demanding when they want something

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yo like really i cant figure out why you didnt just see what they wanted? fucking group of girls theyre not going to mug you and take your loafers man

I'm saying... Was it that hard to turn around and talk with them? Do you have some kind of social anxiety?

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doooood i htink you have self esteem issues getting all worked up about this

im not that good looking (10 [im fucking sexy]) but i've had girls stalk me while running errands, followed in the grocery store, catcalled, blatantly checked out, blatantly groped, blatantly photagraphed, sneakily photographed, asked to be photographed, asked to show some tip etc etc etc

wierd shit happens, i don't do it to chicks, im still wierd, whaaaatevrrrrrrrr mang, just get your tip wet who cares if theyre fucked up

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when i was walking to the bus station...

a car was over the limit line so i had to walk on the right side of the pedestrian walk... and it turns out this mexican mofugga is on his bike and hes zooming towards me.

was it right of him not to budge for me? i was expecting him to go around me since he was coming at me faster than i was to him. i was confused because there wasnt that much room in the limit line since that car was in the way... and then the mexican dude proceeded to call me ass hole in the most foul way.

twas shocked.

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its not social anxiety or self esteem issues. if this type of scenario was more frequent on the street than i'd understand but it just kind of popped up out of the blue and gave me a bad vibe for some reason. i'm not a pimple faced awkward dude that can't talk to girls i just didnt understand why they would follow me for like 15 minutes down the street to tell me i had a nice ass.

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the best thing to do would've been to acknowledge it and then act icy fucking cold

also, i had 2 girls stalk me simultaneously in highschool. they'd fight over me in class and shit, one of them ran out of school once because of it, my teacher was an insensitive prick and he got a howl out of it.

i strung them along because they drove me places sometimes.

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when i was walking to the bus station...

a car was over the limit line so i had to walk on the right side of the pedestrian walk... and it turns out this mexican mofugga is on his bike and hes zooming towards me.

was it right of him not to budge for me? i was expecting him to go around me since he was coming at me faster than i was to him. i was confused because there wasnt that much room in the limit line since that car was in the way... and then the mexican dude proceeded to call me ass hole in the most foul way.

twas shocked.

This bothers me quite a bit, people can be quite inconsiderate these days.

But relating to the thread starter... what the fuck man, you could of at least humored them AND yourself by having a short 5 minute conversation or something like that... live a little.

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its not social anxiety or self esteem issues. if this type of scenario was more frequent on the street than i'd understand but it just kind of popped up out of the blue and gave me a bad vibe for some reason. i'm not a pimple faced awkward dude that can't talk to girls i just didnt understand why they would follow me for like 15 minutes down the street to tell me i had a nice ass.
the best thing to do would've been to acknowledge it and then act icy fucking cold

haha i know you're not pimply

girls are wierd

clopek is on his game

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I'm snobby and critical. You guys are making me regret not running game on these sladies.

they sound like a couple of weirdos...fifteen minutes of following you around?? In situations like that, I find that the desire to even speak to people kind of disappears simply because they're so damn pathetic

on the stalking note, there was this HUGE creep at my high school. He asked everyone out, wrote sexual fantasy stories about furries (and was serious about it and wanted to get published), and would make charts on his computer of all the girls he found hot and had a scoring system for things like tits, whether or not they had a brother (- points), a sister (+ points), etc.

I'm generally a very confident person and have no problem humouring even the most frustrating/gross people, but this guy made me feel so horribly uncomfortable that I would get off the bus at a much earlier stop and get back on the next one so I wouldn't have to talk with him for the next half an hour. Once Cinderella and I saw him coming to an empty bus stop we were standing at, and I pretended I was crying and Cinderella was consoling me just so he would leave us the fuck alone.

Also, a different guy from our high school was recently arrested for sexual assault,

and was creeping around my friend's apartment building and stalking her about a week beforehand...

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