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At the risk of being flamed to death


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I have lurked here for a while now and have found many of the posts supremely entertaining and very handy. I thought I should take the plunge and register as I have a sartorial dilemma.

Recently bought a pair of Dior Homme Black Jeans - very cool and very pleased with them. I hate to admit that I was at a fashion shoot recently at London Fashion Week and saw some guys on the catwalk wearing skinny black jeans and sporting a silver skull ring on their hand. Now I have always thought skull rings may be a bit passe but actually it was a brilliant look.

Now, I'm onbviously quite slim hence the jeans and can carry the hip rock look (god that sounds awful) but was wondering what your thoughts on sporting a skull ring are? The one I have seen is made by Crazy Pig in London and it's pretty damn nice but there is a lingering concern that it might be a bit naff.

You can see it here:


It's not as big as it looks (it's called the 'Evil Skull Ring'(!?!?!)) and is not over-sized. So with a black pair of skinny jeans, black boots and a suitable top does anyone have any opinions?



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Nothing wrong with skull rings if it reflects your style. My experience has been that it is more representative of one's musical taste... unless you really do like skulls and dead people. I've sported multiple silver rings... skulls included... but this was 18 years ago when I was really into Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, etc.

At the end of the day, if you have to think too hard about it, it may not be your thing. Just my opinion. Also... skull rings are so common that I can't imagine anyone would want to spend more than $30 on one.

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what he said. Basically, it's all about if that's your style and what you're into. If you're not into it and still end up buying it, you'll always feel self-conscious about it and be wondering if you're 'pulling it off'.

I say if it's you, then cop it. If not, then don't bother...

btw, Crazy Pig is a great store...

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Yes, don't buy something out of a trend. I've been rocking skulls since I was young, and been influenced so much with 80's skateboard graphics and punk. Hence I get drawn to liking stuff like Cloak and Number (N)ine over conventional styles. But if you do want to experiment right now, I'd say buy something inexpensive. If you're not feeling it, then not much is wasted. Also if you're gonna rock a specif style, I say go all the way and collect a lot of it.

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Thanks, guys.

Some really good advice. The ring is £97 so quite a lot but nowhere near hundreds and hundreds. I think I might take the plunge - pretty sure I can carry it off and won't wear it every day but think it makes a nice contrast.

Thank you though for all your positive replies - I really appreciate it.

Best wishes


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More than a few years ago 7-11 was running a slurpee promotion that went with

the movie the phantom, where you would get a free skull ring with each slurpee of

a certain size. A friend of mine, who is definitely necro/ death oriented, has

been rocking that ring ever since. He has a cigar box full of them, so

whenever the current skull ring eventually breaks or gets mishappen, he pulls

out a new one (sort of like a cartoon or something... bugs bunny's carrots...)

Benny Rags

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Wow! Thanks guys! You have been really helpful. Those driftwood skulls are amazing! I have checked on the site but can't seem to find a way to order one (or am I just being thick?!)

Thanks for pointing them all out. I like the Japanese one too.

Any more ideas? This is great!


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The driftwoods are beautiful, as are the Japanese ones, but I would stick with the Evil Skull you posted first. Reasons being that one, I think it would be the best with the black DH jeans (size, shape, contrast), and two, Keith Richards is so fucking cool.

Plus, you already know where to get it ;)

ask a cassowary

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