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My goal is to increase strength. Size will follow. I'm lifting three times a week with a rest day between each lifting day as recommended by Rippetoe's Starting Strength program. It's a barbell strength training program, not some body building bullshit. I need to build core strength before concentrating on specific areas for aesthetic reasons.

I think the program is working pretty well so far. I don't get sore even though my lifts are still progressing, and the rest days allow sufficient recovery time. The hardest adjustment is the diet, as I'm trying to take in at least 3500+ calories a day.

Maybe not as effective as 1000 pushups a day though LOL

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hey man..whatever works. I don't do any pushups anymore....can't

still, I don't think training a body part 3x a week is productive...in fact, I believe it's detrimental but like I've posted before, there isn't one gospel or axiom so if you're getting good results it's cool.

I hope you don't regret it as you get older.

*EDIT* I am a fuckin' old dude who weighs about 143 lbs. I do legs once a week. I've been sick for over a month and haven't trained. I did legs yesterday for the first time in 5 weeks and I was still able to squat 365 x 20

*EDIT2*...the same principle aplies to both strength and size.....you need to break down fiber, recover and build stronger, thicker fiber...as well as recruiting more fiber

take it for whatever it's worth

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hey man..whatever works. I don't do any pushups anymore....can't

still, I don't think training a body part 3x a week is productive...in fact, I believe it's detrimental but like I've posted before, there isn't one gospel or axiom so if you're getting good results it's cool.

I hope you don't regret it as you get older.

*EDIT* I am a fuckin' old dude who weighs about 143 lbs. I do legs once a week. I've been sick for over a month and haven't trained. I did legs yesterday for the first time in 5 weeks and I was still able to squat 365 x 20

*EDIT2*...the same principle aplies to both strength and size.....you need to break down fiber, recover and build stronger, thicker fiber...as well as recruiting more fiber

take it for whatever it's worth

BULLSHIT. I'd love to see videos of you squatting.
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k..I'll get a camera crew to tape my next leg session.....again, I don't go ass to the floor deep on every rep....I'm too fuckin' old and it's just not good for my body. In fact, I have no business squatting 365 at all but it's better than the 425 I used 1 year ago

also, I don't squat to impress you

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Squats don't focus on any "part" of the body, it works everything bud. Compound lifts FTW.

I'm with knucks, you're full of shit. If you can't squat ATG then don't be bragging about your numbers old timer.

you guys are equally as funny while discussing training as you are in your style/fashion discussions

where did I say that squats focus on 1 body part?....I didn't say so but they do hit the quads more directly than any other part

hey man....keep doing what you're doing..no sweat off my back..It'll be interesting to know if you can keep it up as a lifestyle forever.....as I have.

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k..I'll get a camera crew to tape my next leg session.....again, I don't go ass to the floor deep on every rep....I'm too fuckin' old and it's just not good for my body. In fact, I have no business squatting 365 at all but it's better than the 425 I used 1 year ago

also, I don't squat to impress you

will paypal 4 vid

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aren't you the same dude who asked me If I juiced?

do you really think I give a fuck what you believe?

no need nor desire to prove anything to anyone so just let it be and carry on

me? when?

show me where I asked that (no clue if I did or not) and show me a video of you doing 365 x20

if someone asks you if you use steroids that equates to you not caring what they think about anything? that makes a lot of sense (10)

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k..I'll get a camera crew to tape my next leg session.....again, I don't go ass to the floor deep on every rep....I'm too fuckin' old and it's just not good for my body. In fact, I have no business squatting 365 at all but it's better than the 425 I used 1 year ago

also, I don't squat to impress you

Are you squatting on a smith machine or something? From the WAYWT thread you look like you're about 50 years old and 160 pounds, so unless you used to be an Olympic lifter I highly doubt you're putting that much weight up.

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me? when?

show me where I asked that (no clue if I did or not) and show me a video of you doing 365 x20

if someone asks you if you use steroids that equates to you not caring what they think about anything? that makes a lot of sense (10)

no i'm sorry, I just checked. it wasn't you. It was some dude Emilio

and no I didn't use the Smith yesterday but I do use it on occassion.

Listen assholes, I really don't care what you believe....like I said, I don't go below parallel and sometimes not even to parallel when I go heavy for many reps.

You guys delight in making fun of my age and it baffles me. You can only hope to look 1/4 as good as I do when you're my age......fuck, just look @ your dads.

You guys look at age like it's an affliction. Keep in mind that you really have no alternative.....well ya do but.......................

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Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and follow the advice of a strength training coach with multiple books over some yahoo who cheats his squats and claims to have done 1000 pushups a day in his youth

Rippetoe also recommends drinking a gallon of milk a day to bulk up, but I doubt many people think that's a great idea

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Also, for what it's worth, had you been training properly you should still be able to do ATG squats and pushups even though you're nearing retirement.

if I would have seen this edit, I would've stopped replying to you

You're an idiot

good luck with your training

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