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from the looks of it, you look to be give or take 14-15%.

not sure how your servings look but looks like you're taking quite a bit of calories. try cutting your diet alittle and see if that does anything. keep your protein in check though.

also, what kinda fruit are you eating? i tend to shy away from too much fruit. apple and banana a day, and im set.

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lol, should I use water with the bedtime shake instead? I read milk slows digestions for a longer protein release during the night...

and my fat source must be those random junkfood I eat sometimes...

get calcium caseinate or micellar casein (or something similar) for your bedtime shake. basically a slow disgesting protein powder without all the added calories from milk.

and you should be incorporating good fats into your diet. like from sources such as olive oil, flax seed oil, fish, almonds, etc.

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lol, should I use water with the bedtime shake instead? I read milk slows digestions for a longer protein release during the night...

and my fat source must be those random junkfood I eat sometimes...

theres a part of your answer. cut the junkfood. snack on some nuts or add some avocado or something in youor diet

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I tried looking at casein, that shit is expensive, don't want to spend too much on supplements for the rest of my life.. (maybe I'll check it out next time)

I mostly eat easy fruits such as oranges and bananas... sometimes pear and apple.

I do make my eggs with olive oil though, is that fat? I also eat random nuts (peanuts, almonds, natural peanut butter, etc) I do eat fish sometimes.

When I was talking about junk food.. it's like once per week, I rarely eat at restaurants... and I don't even drink much alcohol (max 2 beers a month, and that's rare)

Perhaps my servings are too big...

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I tried looking at casein, that shit is expensive, don't want to spend too much on supplements for the rest of my life.. (maybe I'll check it out next time)

I mostly eat easy fruits such as oranges and bananas... sometimes pear and apple.

I do make my eggs with olive oil though, is that fat? I also eat random nuts (peanuts, almonds, natural peanut butter, etc) I do eat fish sometimes.

When I was talking about junk food.. it's like once per week, I rarely eat at restaurants... and I don't even drink much alcohol (max 2 beers a month, and that's rare)

Perhaps my servings are too big...

If you don't want to buy casein, buy some cottage cheese to eat before you sleep (its a better source of casein protein anyway). Eat it with pineapples/ banana+honey. Olive oil is good for you i.e. a good fat. But always remember in moderation. In regards to your junk food, its okay to have a cheat day within your week. Again, in moderation. Its better to have a cheat meal rather than a cheat day. In my experience it boosts my metabolism. Just don't overkill and you should be fine.

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I tried looking at casein, that shit is expensive, don't want to spend too much on supplements for the rest of my life.. (maybe I'll check it out next time)

I mostly eat easy fruits such as oranges and bananas... sometimes pear and apple.

I do make my eggs with olive oil though, is that fat? I also eat random nuts (peanuts, almonds, natural peanut butter, etc) I do eat fish sometimes.

When I was talking about junk food.. it's like once per week, I rarely eat at restaurants... and I don't even drink much alcohol (max 2 beers a month, and that's rare)

Perhaps my servings are too big...

go easy on the fruit. and eating whatever you like once a week can actually be beneficial to dieting for fat loss, but only if the rest of your diet is in check.

beer is awesome. limiting yourself to 2 beers a month at your age should be a crime.

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Just had a crazy workout and couldn't keep my hands up at the end, could hardly even throw a punch. Dinner time; 180 g of salad w/ walnut vinaigrette, 300g of grilled chicken, two pieces of toast with eggs, and damn near half pineapple for dessert.

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Steak in microwave?!

I got to try that now. I'm assuming you take the steak out and let it thaw for awhile though.

Thanks for the suggestions! I hope these meals curve my hunger too, its embarrassing when my stomach growls in class. I'm use to taking a snack with me like crackers or something.

I should also try In-N-Out 'Protein Burger' (SP?)

Eek. Not microwave, but regular oven (I generally do around 400degrees). I was guessing you might be in a dorm which is why I also mentioned you can use a george foreman grill.

Protein burger at In and out are great, just make sure you ask to have it without the spread.

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Any issues that you guys would foresee from consuming dairy products on a daily basis if I'm trying to lose the last little bit of fat around my mid-section/inner thighs.

Everything else has leaned out pretty well, but this is being pretty stubborn.

For breakfast, I usually have some fat-free plain yogurt with a bit of low-fat granola. I also eat eggs (mostly just the whites) on a regular basis (not daily).

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Any issues that you guys would foresee from consuming dairy products on a daily basis if I'm trying to lose the last little bit of fat around my mid-section/inner thighs.

Everything else has leaned out pretty well, but this is being pretty stubborn.

For breakfast, I usually have some fat-free plain yogurt with a bit of low-fat granola. I also eat eggs (mostly just the whites) on a regular basis (not daily).

I would be more weary of the granola than the yogurt, though there are milk sugars you might want to watch out for too. But I doubt that small addition to your diet is hindering your fat loss much. What is the rest of your diet/routine look like?

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I would be more weary of the granola than the yogurt, though there are milk sugars you might want to watch out for too. But I doubt that small addition to your diet is hindering your fat loss much. What is the rest of your diet/routine look like?

while I eat extremely well on the whole, I don't really regulate it or keep an exact routine.

a typical day might be:

fat-free yogurt with granola for breakfast (I'm aware that the granola isn't the best thing to eat, but it's a low cal, low fat granola. Mostly just oats)

balance bar for lunch/snack (~200 calories, good amount of protein, not many carbs, downside is it's 15% of a day's recommended saturated fat or something)

maybe a salad with a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar and olive oil

tonight for dinner I had a baked chicken breast with some horseradish, a small serving of mashed sweet potatoes (half a potato's worth), and a little slaw that was beets, carrots, and apple cider vinegar. also a little piece of a baguette (~50 calories worth).


I do 3 day cycles. 1 day chest and abs. 1 day arms, back, shoulders. 1 day legs (this day is always light...my legs are muscular as it is since I ride my bike as transportation on a daily basis). Always relatively light weight/high reps. Not trying to get big or anything (see skimpy diet above).

Every day includes 30-50 minutes of cardio (usually an elliptical machine since my knees have been bothering me more lately).

All of this is basically 6 days a week. Sometimes 5, sometimes 7.

Also, if I feel like eating something that's not great for me, I do. I'll eat a big meal that's not very nutritious a couple times a week probably. Been trying to cut down on beer, though. Generally, though, I feel like I should be eating more each day (from a caloric standpoint), but if I'm hungry, I eat.

I'm 5'11 and weighed about 200 lbs my senior year of high school. I'm now in my 3rd year of university and weigh about 155 lbs, so I feel fairly accomplished in the diet/exercise stuff I've done over the past couple years. My body type won't allow me to be lanky or anything like that, but it would just be nice to get the rest of this fat out of the way and be REALLY lean for at least a little while, you know?

any advice/pointers would be good...either to help with diet or workout, or just to make sure I stay healthy. Thanks.

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noob questions.

1. do i take protein supplements (shakes) on the days I don't lift (strictly cardio days)?

2. when doing barbell curls, is it best to keep elbows to the side or let them move out?

1:yes, and make sure you're getting carbs PWO.

2: to the side.

shakes are just an easy way to get protein, and with carbs they can be a quick and easy meal. make sure you're getting at least a gram of protein per pound that you weigh.

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and youkinorn: you barely eat, man!

I definitely feel that way lately, but I really do eat when I feel like it.

college student budget and trying to eat well sort of leads to eating meagerly by necessity, I think, ha. Also, I drink too much coffee, which probably kills my appetite some.

I have plenty of energy, though

and I still poop

I'd be worried if I quit pooping

everybody poops.

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eat a couple more meals and start doing HIIT.

if you just want to be scrawny and thin i'd say do body weight exercises

I am going to start eating a little more, just need to come up with some more quick, easy, cheap things to throw into the mix.

And I'm definitely not going to be (nor do I want to be) scrawny...my body type/shape will basically not allow for it. Plus I've definitely been putting on muscle mass as I've been losing weight.

Thanks, though. HIIT is significantly more effective than regular cardio, you think?

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