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when measuring body fat percentage should i do it prior to training?the reason i ask is that i had it tested right after a grueling session and it said my %was 5.8 which is a bit lower than i would expect. i would guess i would be closer to 10%it was one of those electronic ones that send a pulse through your body. i wish my gym had housewives giving numbers out...

what is your bodyfat percentage?

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when measuring body fat percentage should i do it prior to training?the reason i ask is that i had it tested right after a grueling session and it said my %was 5.8 which is a bit lower than i would expect. i would guess i would be closer to 10%it was one of those electronic ones that send a pulse through your body. i wish my gym had housewives giving numbers out...

what is your bodyfat percentage?

prior to training. and those ones that use a "pulse" are not accurate at all. stick with calipers and/or hydrostatic bodyfat testing

I'm not sure what my bodyfat is.. I've been told by people and the range is 6-10%

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Yeah, I'm on there everyday, mainly stick to the nutrition section though. Weighted dips are awesome. I also like weighted bench dips for the triceps.

Wide-grip pullups are awesome for your back too.

I am all about the nutrition section. I am an avid reader, but don't post often. My family hates when I spit out random nutritional facts :D

prior to training. and those ones that use a "pulse" are not accurate at all. stick with calipers and/or hydrostatic bodyfat testing

I'm not sure what my bodyfat is.. I've been told by people and the range is 6-10%

6-10% is a fairly large range when you're that low. You should get tested, sub 10 is impressive but 6 would be even better. Are you naturally lean or is it diet and cardio? Also calipers can be very inaccurate but are way better then the scale types. Hyrdostatic is pricey is it not? Ive never really looked into it.

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6-10% is a fairly large range when you're that low. You should get tested, sub 10 is impressive but 6 would be even better. Are you naturally lean or is it diet and cardio? Also calipers can be very inaccurate but are way better then the scale types. Hyrdostatic is pricey is it not? Ive never really looked into it.

agreed, 6-10% is a broad range.. I should get tested but don't really have a huge urge to.. I think I'll get tested during the spring though. I heard hydrostatic testing can be fairly cheap depending on where you get it done. a friend of mine got is done for $85.. I'll have to ask him where though.

I'd have to give all the credit to my super anal diet since I don't do an ounce of cardio and I'm not naturally lean.

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prior to training. and those ones that use a "pulse" are not accurate at all. stick with calipers and/or hydrostatic bodyfat testing

I'm not sure what my bodyfat is.. I've been told by people and the range is 6-10%

I feel like Hydrostatic is the most accurate. I did a bod-pod test in my kinesiology lab and it told me I was at 17% or something. Calipers and BIA put me between 8.6 and 12%.

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agreed, 6-10% is a broad range.. I should get tested but don't really have a huge urge to.. I think I'll get tested during the spring though. I heard hydrostatic testing can be fairly cheap depending on where you get it done. a friend of mine got is done for $85.. I'll have to ask him where though.

I'd have to give all the credit to my super anal diet since I don't do an ounce of cardio and I'm not naturally lean.

I'd rather spend that money on food or supps. Care to post your diet. That intrigues me more so then a workout plan.

I feel like Hydrostatic is the most accurate. I did a bod-pod test in my kinesiology lab and it told me I was at 17% or something. Calipers and BIA put me between 8.6 and 12%.

Holy hell that is a vast difference. Just go by what the mirror says. Good lighting never hurts either.

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I know how you feel about the legs. Mine aren't even that big but are pretty cut up. Males in general store the majority of their fat in the mid section and lower back. Where as women get it in the thighs hips and butt. You have to eliminate body fat everywhere else, then the last bit will come off your stomach. It also depends on your genetics (which you have no control over).

I would be doing more than just curls for arms and more than just bench for chest. What do you do for back besides deads? I was doing one muscle group a day with a make shift 5x5 program (kinda something I just put together on my own) and went on a carbless diet and my lifts went through the roof. All I can say is don't be scared of good fats.

Yeah, I do other presses with free weights and etc. Back, I did lat pulldowns, pullups, rows, but probably not enough during the week. I also mixed up my diet with some small advice from my aunt, who's a nutritionist, and some shit Ive read from a sports doctor, and that seemed to work out decent for size gains, but we'll see what happens when I start lifting again this winter. I lift mostly for sports, so my workout routines are tailored for practical strength to sport usage, if you know what I mean. Or maybe its just my coaches indoctrination just gettin to me.

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lol. good question. I dont really know how much "i bench", I dont try to max out at all.Ive gotten down to 135 lean before. I usually go up and down on weights. its odd. summertime I usually eat whatevers Im more motivated during the winter time, I like running at the cold...and my diet is usually the basic clean diet with lots of protein. Ive added lip 6 on my diet to cut down weight. i"ll keep it posted till I reach that goal again.

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this was my diet from a couple months ago.. similar right now, but with a few changes here and there

Looks similar to mine over the summer. However I didn't have any of the carb source or fruits and traded cashews for almonds. Are you a fan of the natural pb?? That stuff is amazing.

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I used to tear natty pb up but when I bulked all the way up to 196lb :)

Haha that shit is awesome. I was at 200 over the summer but now I am living in the UK and am down to 186 :eek: My carbless diet put my lifts through the roof and packed on muscle while cutting fat at the same time. It's a slow process but worked for me.

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my bad Im only 5"5. Iam 145-150ish right now.


you look like a shorter and thicker version of me

i'm currently at 5'10" 185 lbs and taking some time off from the gym.

i'll be signing up for the Costco 24 hour fitness 290$ for 2 years deal and gotta start back up soon.

goal is to cut down to 170 and hit single digit body fat!

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sad :(


For a 19-year-old community college student in Pembroke Pines, Fla., the message boards on BodyBuilding.com were a place to post messages, at least 2,300 of them, including more than one about his suicidal impulses. In a post last year, he wrote that online forums had “become like a family to me.â€

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Abraham Biggs

“I know its kinda sad,†the student, Abraham Biggs, wrote in parenthesis, adding that he posted about his “troubles and doubts†online because he did not want to talk to anyone about them in person.

Last Wednesday, when Mr. Biggs posted a suicide note and listed the drug cocktail he intended to consume, the Web site hardly acted like a family. On BodyBuilding.com, which includes discussions of numerous topics besides bodybuilding, and on a live video Web site, Justin.tv, Mr. Biggs was “egged on†by strangers who, investigators say, encouraged him to swallow the antidepressant pills that eventually killed him.

Mr. Biggs’s case is the most recent example of a suicide that played out on the Internet. Live video of the death was shown online to scores of people, leading some viewers to cringe while others laughed. The case, which has prompted an outpouring of sympathy and second-guessing online, demonstrates the double-edged nature of online communities that millions of people flock to every day.

Online communities “are like the crowd outside the building with the guy on the ledge,†Jeffrey Cole, a professor who studies technology’s effects on society at the University of Southern California. “Sometimes there is someone who gets involved and tries to talk him down. Often the crowd chants, ‘Jump, jump.’ They can enable suicide or help prevent it.â€

On blogs and forums last week, some people wondered whether Mr. Biggs had hoped that by broadcasting his suicide, he would attract attention and cause someone to intervene. Viewers eventually called the police, but only after he had lapsed into unconsciousness. The video streaming Web site, Justin.tv, said Monday that it hoped its members would be “more vigilant†in the future.

It was not the first time someone had used the Web in this way. In Arizona in 2003, a man overdosed on drugs while writing about his actions in a chat room. In Britain last year, a man hanged himself while chatting online and webcasting. In both cases, other users reportedly encouraged the individual.

Sometimes other users show support in troubling ways. In a number of well-publicized cases in Japan, South Korea and elsewhere, people have formed suicide pacts on the Internet and met in person to carry out their plans.

“If somebody threatens suicide or attempts suicide, it’s never a joke,†said Joshua Perper, the chief medical examiner for Broward County, where Mr. Biggs lived. “It always requires attention. It’s basically a cry for help.â€

Much of the evidence of Mr. Biggs’s suicide and the reactions of users was removed from BodyBuilding.com and Justin.tv after his death was confirmed. But according to a chronology posted by a fellow user, Mr. Biggs listed the pills he had obtained and posted a suicide note that he had copied from another Web site. He directed people to his page on Justin.tv, where anyone can plug in a webcam and stream live video onto the Internet. In a chat room adjacent to the live video, the “joking and trash talking†continued after Mr. Biggs consumed the pills and lay on his bed, according to the user, who said he tried to reach the local police from his home in India.

Several other concerned users called the police when it appeared that Mr. Biggs had stopped breathing. As officers entered the room, according to a screen capture of the incident that circulated online, 181 people were watching the video. In the chat room, users typed the acronyms for “oh my God†and “laugh out loud†before the police covered the webcam.

After his death was confirmed, words of sympathy were interspersed with complaints about Mr. Biggs’s behavior on the free-wheeling “Miscellaneous†section of BodyBuilding.com, where he frequently posted. Some users claimed that Mr. Biggs had threatened to commit suicide repeatedly in the past.

Mr. Biggs’s family has said he suffered from bipolar disorder and was being treated for depression. Telephone messages left at the home of Mr. Biggs’s father, Abraham Biggs Sr., were not returned Sunday. But in an interview with The Associated Press, the father said he was appalled by the lack of responsiveness on the part of the users and the operators.

“As a human being, you don’t watch someone in trouble and sit back and just watch,†he said, before suggesting that “some kind of regulation is necessary.â€

The case remains under investigation by the Pembroke Pines Police Department.

Justin.tv said in a statement, “As a result of this event we are confident that all online community members will be ever more vigilant in monitoring and protecting their fellow users in the future.â€

While sites like Justin.tv will remove content they find objectionable after the fact, the content of video sites and chat rooms are largely at the control of the users.

M. David Rudd, chairman of the psychology department at Texas Tech University, said the Internet did not fully live up to its potential to help with suicide prevention. “Most of what’s available via the Internet only serves to make the problem worse,†Mr. Rudd said, whether it is information about how to commit suicide or immature comments from chat room users.

Mr. Cole of the University of Southern California described the death of Alethea Gates, a teenager in New Zealand, who killed herself after using Google to read about different methods of suicide. Rather than blaming the Internet, her parents said they wished that the Google search had turned up links to suicide prevention Web sites. In effect, they wished the Web had shouted “step back from the ledge†instead of “jump.†(Many Google searches that include the word suicide include sponsored links to prevention Web sites.)

Mr. Rudd said he believed that Mr. Biggs was not seeking an audience online.

“What he was really doing was expressing his ambivalence about dying and, in an awkward manner, asking for help,†he said.

But the virtual nature of the community — distant, largely unaccountable and often seeking entertainment — was equally ambivalent. Hours after Mr. Biggs died, some of the forum users still sounded highly skeptical of the case. Others asked to see the video.

“The anonymous nature of these communities only emboldens the meanness or callousness of the people on these sites,†Mr. Cole said. “Rarely does it bring out greater compassion or consideration.â€

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Two questions for all you supermeatheads,

1.) Are there any good articles about strength vs. mass out there? I'd like to gain functional strength without adding too much mass. There has to be more to it than the old "more reps, less weight" mantra.

2.) Can anyone recommend some intermediate/advanced ab/core exercises that I can do with little or no equipment? Something a little more interesting than doing crunches and leg lifts over and over again. Opinions on ab wheels?

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