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wtf how do I get to such low bf. I can't do it. I HAVE to eat shit.

My gf (who is korean) saw your before/after pics on iron addicts and was like "EHHH!!! HE WAS SO MUCH BETTER BEFORE! PERFECT BODY!"

lol this one?


I actually get that a lot. korean-born korean girls like the skinny. american-born korean girls like the bulk.

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it's been a first time in a while being over 42" and I'm not digging my chest at 43.5".

I'd rather get back to my 41" chest and 30.5" waist, than have my current 43.5" and 32.5" waist.

I'll give you some chest, if you give me some of your deadlift poundage :) (from what I remember, you had very strong deads)

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whoa, knucks, long time!

I fell off and now trying to get back slowly. my b/s/d maxes are only around 300/400/420 right now. :mad:

what about you? what happened to ya btw? dropped off the face of the sufu and now back outta left field.

sufu went by the bedside when school and some other things too precedence..

now i am working and trying to get back my good ol strength so i'm giving sheiko a go.

back to sufu because i'm trying to move out to new york by new years / shortly thereafter and figured I could get some nice info here..

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I'll play too...

this is from my summer vacation. i was sitting around 150-155 at 8-9% bf. Im about 10lbs heavier now put on some size but watching the abs wither away :(.


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Charly, what do you do for lower pecs? I hit dips, decline bb/db press and muscle ups as well. I feel like muscle ups helped me the most with my lower pecs.

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looks good man! definitely lower than 8-9% judging by vascularity

I don't necessarily do specific movements for specific parts of muscles but for chest I like hitting dumbbell presses and dips. I like going heavy and low reps for both.

yea, i do the same but i guess its genetics :(. your lower pec development is ridiculous man.

i feel like a mess now. i havent been so strict on dieting lately figured i'd take it easy for a month or so. i guess i'll get back on track starting next month. I want to bulk but fuck man, I cant keep buying the same clothing but in a larger size.

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everyone in the gym was staring at me today while I was duct taping weights to the dumbbells :\

yo chariy. ive been researching supps and am totally confused now

pretty much I do more cardio than I do lifting, I want something that will keep me lean while on the WD and some good whey/amino mix for after workouts

im thinking

bcaa+carnitine+caffeine+green tea+multivitamin+fish oil in the morning with some berries...

post-work out whey+glutamine+casein

does this make sense or am i totally off the mark with my understanding?

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that seems fine but like I said before. supplements are worth jack shit without a planned diet.

Good good. I work in a produce store. so I'm going to start jacking so much organics.

in terms of the supps i mentioned, is it best to go with one of those combined stack products or just buy them all seperately?

also, should i be taking the whey after cardio, or just lifting?

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