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So I've started my cut and adjusted the diet. But should I stay on my current hypertrophy/ strength routine designed for mass? or should I be doing something different?

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my wife she losed her job at a CitiGroup. so she so sad now to leave NY, me too. but we can still have the money to live so is not so bad a stress for us..

anyway my training is only 2 time a week now. but i still make a gain, only fatter too. is not too good

here is a pic from a some month ago:


i am also bought a DSLR camera. so soon i can teach my wife to teake my picture for me, is better for me to pose easier


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145>160> 155 (where I am now) 5'11

Although numerical weight is hard to nail down for me because there's always food in my stomach.

I've always had a monstrous appetite. At 145 I was eating at least 3000 calories a day. I decided to put on muscle so I upped it to 5000 and put on some fat. Then I cut back down to a little below maintenance , like somewhere below 2000-3000 calories, and now I'm back to just eating whatever I want.

I took these pics to document any changes if they happened. I was getting comments about how I went from skinny to not so skinny, which I guess makes sense. Here's what was actually going on underneath. I don't think its super impressive, but I think there's a marked enough change and I like where I am.

edit: (My nipples and belly button look like '.' )

curious about your routine...did you work legs at all?

lookin good tho so lean

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sorry about the crappy cellphone pic quality, but what do you guys think of my portions



I bring 2 portions everyday to school to eat at 12 and 3

doesn't look like much, but i suppose the portions depend mainly on your weight.

a common thing to do is get 40% of your calories from protein, 40% from carbs, and 20% from fats[healthy fats]. having a good diet is where you're going to get most of your progress, because you could train twice a day but without a good diet you wont see as good of results.

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I am now at the point in the evening where I have to decide whether or not to go out and party (drink a lot of beer) or not go out.

I find myself reluctant to go to said party solely because of the number of calories of beer I would have to ingest to sufficiently enjoy myself.

I feel like a big pussy.

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I am now at the point in the evening where I have to decide whether or not to go out and party (drink a lot of beer) or not go out.

I find myself reluctant to go to said party solely because of the number of calories of beer I would have to ingest to sufficiently enjoy myself.

I feel like a big pussy.

you can drink and still be fit, just don't make a habit of drinking.

I never really calculated how many protein/carb/fat I take.. maybe I should start doing that... but I am too lazy :/


That has everything from apples to alcohol.

if you're bulking you don't really have to worry about it, cutting is when you really have to watch what you eat.

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sorry about the crappy cellphone pic quality, but what do you guys think of my portions



I bring 2 portions everyday to school to eat at 12 and 3

sorry to give you the hate but the facts the my 7 year old daughter eats more than you but then again she swims 1 hour a day. you need to eat more a good idea is probably a "Fist Size" of food

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sorry about the crappy cellphone pic quality, but what do you guys think of my portions

I bring 2 portions everyday to school to eat at 12 and 3

Not enough.

Also, no carbs? Are you on keto? Cos I don't think beans are allowed in keto. How confusing.

Are those chicken wings? I'd stay away from them if they were.

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servings of chicken, beef, fish = 8-10 oz


chicken = 8-10oz?

how much do you weigh??

I take ~50g of protein in for each of my 6 meals.

5.7oz of chicken equals about 50g of protein

(9oz / 5.7oz) * 50g * 6 meals = about 475g of protein a day

1.5g of protein per bodyweight for an all natural dude is plenty, but let's say you go overboard and do 2x your bodyweight in protein.

given that, I say you're about 240 pounds????

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I'm tiny compared to you guys but here's a pic:

5'8'' ~125 lbs.

How do I get the inner part of my pecs to be as big as the outer part? I'm happy with my bench (140ish for reps) but I want the inner part ti be bigger I guess. My gym at school only have dumbbells and a bench and pec fly machine so I'm kinda limited (no bench with barbells), no decline or incline.


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You don't have a ton to work with at your gym, but I can think of one thing to do:

i assume you have the pec deck where your arms are are a right angle? not like those new ones where you hold on with your hands?

if it's the right angle ones, instead of putting your arms in the conventional way, use your palms against the pads and push inward. you'll be able to increase the weight. It's hard for me to describe, but you can imagine starting out in a vertical bench-like position and finishing with elbows out with hands meeting in front of the middle of your chest

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