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Got my gym membership today! Had one last year, but I was so busy with work and school that I barely used it :S I faked being a student still so I got my annual for $250.

Felt good doing cardio. Thankfully the bike machine doesn't put stress on my hurt foot. It's been about a week and a half, and I didn't think I would miss cardio so much. I lost about 20 pounds (if you didn't read my earlier post) from working out at home and dieting. I'm ready to incorporate weights into my exercise and really start getting results. Lifting weights felt great too, and knowing I'm going to be doing it on a consistent basis gets me really motivated.

Kunk, today I BBQed a huge fucking steak in your honor. Your words helped me realize that eating some good fats will not hurt my progress. I haven't ate one in about 1.5 months, and it honestly felt like I fucking died and went to heaven. God bless you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello super meat heads

i have no interest in having huge muscles

just to get sufu skinny and get rid of my gut and thunder thighs

how to get rid of thunder thighs

is my only option tons of cardio?

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Tons of cardio wouldn't hurt (well...it will...you know what I mean). Diet is key though, as mentioned. Get rid of saturated/trans fats, refined sugars, processed foods, up your protein and fibre.

Cardio burns fat while you're doing it...muscle burns fat all the time. Cardio and muscle-gain in combination is best (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

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there is no single 5 x 5.

just pick basic movements and do 5 x 5, i.e.,:

weighted chin ups

weighted dips

close grip bench

bench press

military press

clean & jerk



barbell curls if you're so inclined.

go for 3 days a week with a split of:

day 1: chest/bi's

day 2: legs/delts

day 3: back/tri's

5 sets x 5 reps of approx. 70% of your 1 rep max.

4 x 6 and 8 x 3 are other good variations. i'm doing german volume now which is

10 x 10.

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If I could do it over I'd probably start off with something like 3x8-12 reps.

3 x 8-12 won't get you really big (at least I don't think so). If you're wanting to do more weight, I'd say try pyramids (8-6-4-2 or 8-5-3-1). I just do sets of the same amt of reps/weight each week, but every 3 wks or so i'll drop a rep and add weight

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a few days ago a friend of mine gave me a free bottle of a nitric oxide supplement to try..

I tried the 4 pills 2x a day (for lifts up to 200lbs)... resulted in me being on the toilet about 20 times a day

I tried the 3 pills 2x a day (regular minimum dosage)... toilet 10 times a day

now on 2 pills 2x a day (which is below what is even recommended)... seems to be fine but I won't know for certain until 6 hours or so have past..

I might stop taking it altogether because this shit isn't doing shit except giving me the shits. fuck.

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