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to get a bit of fat loss, would reducing your caloric intake by say... 500 calories a day be good or bad thing (when lifting weights in addition to cardio activity)

working out i can do fine... but diet is where im stumped.

oh and what excercises removes fat from your inner thigh?

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He asked if it would be ok to decrease his calorie intake by 500 calories not decrease his daily calorie intake to 500.

It depends what your normal daily calorie intake is.

fucking horrible. you wouldn't survive everyday activity on 500 calories, much less with lifting weights

also you can't spot reduce. you need to reduce your body fat percentage all about.

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thats exactly wher ei get stumped... its hard keeping count of non-marked foods. (i eat korean food so most things are home made) and yeah i didnt mean eating 500 calories a day , but reducing it by about 500.

btw, dont go on a super low calorie diet if you are super fat. my friend did that and he got massive stretch marks and it takes a psychological toll on you. but im glad for him because he dropped about 75 or so pounds i believe...

so basic question: cardio + lifting weights go with what sorta foods? red meats or lean meats. etc etc, just looking to be "physically fit"

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so basic question: cardio + lifting weights go with what sorta foods? red meats or lean meats. etc etc, just looking to be "physically fit"

just be reasonable. eat lean meats if possible, stay away from overprocessed foods, and stay away from refined sugars. to be reasonably fit, that's all you really need to know.

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Guest jeffvyain

interesting thread. i'm in the process losing my 6-pack. been trying to keep it going with just sexual exercise, but it has proven to not be quite enough. when it's gone, i'll come back. til then, i'm a lazy piece of shit.

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lol ^ i just got mine back :D running everyday and situps/crunches the ol fashion way that works. Just trying to get a lil bigger and cut up like Estevan in the movie Fresh lol

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you cannot lose weight witbhout a caloric deficit-take in less than you put out.

He asked if it would be ok to decrease his calorie intake by 500 calories not decrease his daily calorie intake to 500.

It depends what your normal daily calorie intake is.

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Guest jeffvyain

Kunk, I got a question for you. If I do crunches and pushups and am running a caloric deficit, can I still gain muscle mass? Not trying to get big. Basically, my skin's a little thicker than I'd like around my stomach (I want more definition) and I want just a bit more mass in my chest. I'm probably running about 11-12% BF, up from about 8% back when I was running 60-70 miles a week, so I gots a lil energy storage to get rid of.

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i'm about 12% for reference. used to be asd low as 6-7% but fuck it, hagen daz be the shit.

anyway, with adequate protein intake, you can lose a bit of weight/fat but maintaining the muscle you have while losing fat is prolly a more realistic goal.

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also, ab work with added weight/resistance is better-they're just another muscle group after all. people don't see this but you don't carve out great arms using air weights or fake curling. crunch with a 10lb or so weight/medicine ball and you'll see it's much more effective.

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Guest jeffvyain

yea, generally, i just do crunches until i don't feel like doing them anymore, and then i might hold various prone/bridge/plank positions for 5 minutes, switching between my front and either side but not resting. i used to love using weights when i had one of those situp machines where you just hook your shins and lean back, but i don't have that available anymore.

when i do pushups, usually i just do a max-out (50-60 reps), do my abs in between, and do another set of however many i can do. i've always been a girl when it comes to pushups. my elbows don't lock (which is why i've been accused on here of having t-rex arms) so i don't really have the ability to rest.

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here's what i currently do for abs:

3 x 15, bent-knee ab pull-ins (kind of like a reverse crunch)

3 x 15, rope bends at a high-pulley machine

3 x 15, hanging leg raises from a chin-up bar

3 x 15, overhead medicine ball throws

3 x :30, planks on each side

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also, ab work with added weight/resistance is better-they're just another muscle group after all. people don't see this but you don't carve out great arms using air weights or fake curling. crunch with a 10lb or so weight/medicine ball and you'll see it's much more effective.

can you explain the weights + crunch?

i can see the outline of my upper 4 pack.. but the gut layer at the bottom just wont go away :(

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Guest jeffvyain

hold a weight to your chest. sit up. if it's a light weight, you can hold it over your head for added resistance. gut layers are ornery. i prefer more reps over added weight, but to each his own.

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bottom layer is the hardest to get rid of/last to go. i have this too so i can't give any salient advice that would jnot be hypocritical or bullshit.

can you explain the weights + crunch?

i can see the outline of my upper 4 pack.. but the gut layer at the bottom just wont go away :(

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Lower abs is just where fat is commonly stored. If you're doing ab workouts, your core will get stronger and bigger, which is good, but it won't really melt away fat there.

for the people who run to burn calories, I'd say that better results can be seen from sprint workouts as opposed to running 5-10 mi a day.

Michael Johnson vs. <<Insert Kenyan Here>>

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Guest jeffvyain

kenyans/ethiopians/eritreans are a really horrible example of what distance running will do to a body on a typical white/asian/west african body. they typically naturally hold fat in their lower abs for some reason. no amount of situps will give most kenyans a flat belly.

distance running is great for burning fat (especially if you run over an hour, which is typically when your body will resort to burning fat as opposed to last night's dinner), lower stomach fat included. combine with crunches/core work and that shit will melt off.

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