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i have a fucking hardened gut, probably from beer. there's next to no flab on me anywhere, and i have the beginnings of a six pack (quite defined given my lack of activity), but it's sitting atop this . . . paunch.

what the fuck is the deal?

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whar 2 cop? and how exactly do you stack/ingest it? i read somewhere it's like 80 mg of caffeine per gram or something.





I just take it about 15-30 minutes before workouts in a little water. 1/4 tsp of alcar and 1/4 tsp of chocamine.

I suggest getting the 1fast400 brand. best bang for the buck.

I can't fucking get rid of the very slight ab and lower back fat that I have. It's pissing me off. I do manual labour all day and work out and eat barely 800 calories with almost no carbs. Oh btw kunk facebookd you.

800 calories? seems like that's your problem. your body might be in starvation mode, warding off fat loss.

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I can't fucking get rid of the very slight ab and lower back fat that I have. It's pissing me off. I do manual labour all day and work out and eat barely 800 calories with almost no carbs. Oh btw kunk facebookd you.

your thoughts on how many calories you eat is legit, but people need to remember that there's no such thing as "spot reduction." If you did nothing but Romanian Deadlifts for the rest of your life, your back would get stronger, but that's not exactly saying that you're burning back fat or anything. For men, (i think) we mostly store fat in backs and stomachs. For women (i think) it's legs and ass.

You also said it's 'very slight' so maybe that's just as good as it'll get and only you notice. If it's more than that, i guess start doing wind sprints

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does no carbs mean no starchy carbs with a high GI? or no carbs as in no fruits and vegetables also...

while i understand the low carb diet, if you are active at all, you need some carbs to fuel your body.

a paleo/zone diet works best for me. its just hard for me to stay on since im not training for anything, but if you follow it 90% of the time, you should see results. its just a pain in the ass weighing your protien out and counting shit, but after a while you get used to it.

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haha I think im in the same boat as you TransparentCranium. It is fucking hard to lose fat on that part of the body.

I just got back into the whole workout thing and I've been doing weights on even days and cardio (few miles on a tread mill) on every odd day and I've been noticing a difference. Like Leeacto said, there is no such thing as spot reduction and when your body burns fat, its as a whole not just one spot. But i think cardio is probably your best bet, just run a lot.

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i'm too lazy to search..i'm sure you posted your typical daily meals

post for me

and how much you weight?

i need to lost some weight and harden up....im getting flabby. ive always been a little on the heavier side but pretty solid...old age is catching up

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hardcore beer drinkers tend to have more visceral fat, i.e., hard round gut vs. subcutaneous fat and squishy guts. get that shit in check now before it becomes a tray table.

when you say "get that in check" please describe what you mean, when you say "get that in check"

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I think that whole low carb thing is kind of bullshit. Your body needs those carbs. I was actually reading this article http://tinyurl.com/69ubnr and it talks about how chinese people don't count calories and consume staple foods. Low-fat diets are less effective than low glycemic load diets. I don't count carbs but I have started to watch what I eat.

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I think that whole low carb thing is kind of bullshit. Your body needs those carbs. I was actually reading this article http://tinyurl.com/69ubnr and it talks about how chinese people don't count calories and consume staple foods. Low-fat diets are less effective than low glycemic load diets. I don't count carbs but I have started to watch what I eat.

you're right to think that the whole low carb thing is bullshit, because it is.

sure, if you're trying to trying to lose some fat it's definitely good to cut some carbs from your diet. but not completely or keeping them low every day. but if some of you guys insist on going on some type of no-carb/low-carb diet, I suggest you look into ketogenic diets. but even those have refeed days during the week.

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6'2, 236lbs.

7am-protein shake

10am-4-5 egg omelette with veg

1pm-couple of chicken breasts with salad and rice, maybe a sandwhich if i'm feeling it

4pm- protein shake

7pm-dinner (usually 5-7oz steak, fish or chicken with vegetables and a salad with oil and vinegar

9pm-after gym protein shake

10 or 1030pm-some shit i shouldn't eat, maybe a pb&j



i'm too lazy to search..i'm sure you posted your typical daily meals

post for me

and how much you weight?

i need to lost some weight and harden up....im getting flabby. ive always been a little on the heavier side but pretty solid...old age is catching up

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I figured I'd throw my meals in cuz it could help:

6am: 2 egg whites, 1 whole egg scrambled

1 slice of turkey

1 slice wheat bread

2% milk "fiesta mix" cheese

8 oz skim milk, 8 oz OJ

9am: apple or orange

Optimum Nutrition protein shake

Fat free Publix (generic) yogurt

12pm: turkey & spinach sandwich on wheat bread (sometimes w/ brown mustard)

Broccoli & carrots

3pm: ON protein shake

Peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread

6-730pm: white rice, generic organic chicken breast w/ garlic salt & cayenne, low sodium soy sauce

9-930pm: another container of yogurt

It's not exactly low carb, but I know I eat about 200g protein a day (1g/1lb weight) and about 2500-2600 calories a day. Trying to cut out the fat, but I love peanut butter. Reduced fat kind blows

Oh yeah: 5'9 and I weighed in at 191 yest, but can be as high as 198 w/ water

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I think i could be down with your diet

I generally will eat

breakfast: oatmeal with fruit in it :or fruit with cottage cheese :or egg white omelet with veggies, maybe wheat toast

lunch: generally my worst meal of the day..some kind of deli sandwich or chinese food

dinner: generally not too bad, soem kind of fish and rice or chicken legs. other wise its take out :(

i'm 6 foot....215...i think my ideal weight is below 200...like 190-195

i need to get serious about my diet and lifting again...been too lazy for 2 long.......

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My current diet:


-grain cereal (Kashi Crunch) with 1 tbsp ground flaxseed



-granola bar (kashi)


1/2 cup cottage cheese & 1/2 cup yogurt




-chicken sandwich, whole grain bread, mustard

-salad (romain, peppers, tomatoes, feta)


-cliff bar


-protein bar

4:30 - gym


-whey protein shake


-chicken breast with brown rice or whole wheat pasta


-frozen yogurt or fruit


-casein protein shake

I know I should be eating more, but it's all I can consume right now. I'm only 150lbs.

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yo thanks man, i try. Its a hard diet to keep to, but I have to have discipline to move forward in life.

I'm 150, 5'11 i'd like to be 150, 5'11 by the end of the summer.

(i'm actually understating what i eat. Filipinos don't understand the concept of making things that won't kill you in the kitchen.)

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oh man, you big guys eat like a bunch of sissies :P

usually day consists of ~360-400g protein, ~250-300g carbs, ~65-80g fats. ~3000-3500 calories a day. and I only weigh in at a whopping 171 lbs :(

I need some specifics on this. Or are you just only drinking protein shakes? Either I'm not cutting enough corners or your fat/protein ratio is ridic low

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eating that much protein isnt going to do you any good, youre going to end up shitting out most of it because your body can only use so much of it.

well aware of that, it just sits better with my mind that I'm getting too much rather than not enough.

this is true to an extent. even protein can be stored as fat, given that he doesn't do any/much cardio

I just think I'm blessed with a fast metabolism. I don't do an ounce of cardio, I eat this much and I still manage to stay lean year 'round. the down side to this is it's harder for me to pack on size

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