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SuperMeetup NYC


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Ok. I'm going to be just hanging around in the city on mordning and day tuesday until dinner time when i have plans. Then wednesday during the morning and day i'm gonna be just wandering around.

Anyone want to get some delicious food, coffee, get weird stares from lurkers at uniqlo, laugh at peasants, smoke, drink, or something one of those days?

I have my sleeping arrangements for tuesday night already and am taking bus to boston wednesday evening.

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Girlie girl

So basically sex

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Two tall gays. On gayer than the other. You decide

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check your supercontrol for neg-prize

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was in nyc today. hoped to spot someone but saw no one. checked out apc (sucked worse than I thought, little stock, bad set up, cool floor), hit up uniqlo, blue in green, 45 rpm, leika gallery and i think thats it.

tried on these crazy pbj denim work shirts with like a buttoned on apron or tool holder, anyone else see those?

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yeah i really like the space at apc but limited stock and bad layout. calvin you were actually one of the dudes i figured i might see since you're doing the proxy thing but yeah, didn't see you. uniqlo always has a really weird clientele. lots of really average abercrombie type dudes, older fashionistas, eurotrash... always an interesting mix.

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fookums i see you on broadway/bleeker

haha. I'm surprised I don't run into/see more people around there. I work around there every day so yeah.

edit: Actually, I'm surprised I don't run into Dino at all especially considering I live 2 blocks away from FIT.

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i'm always around 25 bet 5th and 6th. my office is at 30th and 7th.

whaa. I work at 37th and 5th.

on friday, in front of my office, some drunk dude in a van was making cat calls at two women. he lost control and hit them both. killed one of them who turned out to be pregnant, then tried to flee the scene.

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