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The fuck education and all the work that comes along with it thread


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I know there are heaps of people here who pursue higher education. College, university, whatever you call it in whatever country we're in. Even those who've gone through it already.

This is where you write about the times you've just wanted to go postal and kill something or burn a house down because of the never ending barrage of essays, reports, assignments due. And the moment you fucking finish them, the exams arrive and completely buttfuck you.

The worst part of it is that we're fucking PAYING to get anally violated on a daily basis by the sheer volume of work that comes with getting a degree. Good money that could be spent on that Ann Dem and Rick Owens or whatever jawns we should be getting instead.

So on behalf of all those who agree with me, a big FUCK YOU to those who impose all these assessments on us with no regard whatsoever to our lives and mental sanity.

+rape plz.

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Guest seesolo

have you noticed that people at colleges or universities dont usually know wut the fuck is going on? they are all artsy fartsy pretentious motherfuckers, its like a collection of assholes who think they know shit but they dont really know shit, as for anybody who was ever in MUN, you guys can suck penis juice

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boo fucking hoo. if it's too hard for you to do, you should quit. if it isn't, shut the fuck up and do it. nobody else is forcing you to go to university. whining about how shitty a bed you made is is a particularly dumbshit thing to do.

Shit aint as easy as you make it out to be.

Fucking foreign teachers who can't speak a word of english and smell like burnt pubes can eat a dick.

All the stupid ass compulsory math classes can also eat a dick. When i run into a problem in life Im not going to pull a trick out of my bag of vector calculus knowlegde.

All the finance gurus that can calculate NPV break even points before I can even finish reading the question and bring the class avg. up which fucks over niggas like me who need the curve can also eat a dick.

All my university people keep fightin the good fight

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College is easy man.. just have to have your priorities straight..like not looking at the syllabus until the 2nd to last week of the semester is hard to pull offf all those assignments lol

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how's your time management?

how often / well do you study?

yeah, you're busy, but if you can't handle it now, how are you gonna handle work when you graduate?

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you had your chance for grants and scholarships

and university is easy as fuck

would you rather them use more difficult/complex means of assessing you? (interviews, verbal assessments, presentations, etc.)

don't complain about something when you have it better than most people.

I AM on scholarship. Average uni kid does 4 subjects per semester, I'm doing 6. I have roughly 33 hours of class a week. I did the math, setting aside 8hrs of sleep a day, 2 hrs for all 3 meals a day, there are many engineering courses which require more hours per week than actual real time.

And most uni courses DO require presentations, which require professional level slideshows [try to consider that many uni professors are retired people who worked in the relevant industry, not just academics] and you to be in a suit.

Along with a never ending barrage of assignments, reports due and then final exams to top it all off.

Most people here who actually ARE in tertiary education or have graduated can attest to this. Constantstruggle for example. Graduating in a Computer Science course and working in the finance industry now, as a sort of investor. Definitely had ridiculous grades.

Shed some light on this?

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Okay, we're required to do 24 units of credit for it to constitute a 'full' semester.

Not every subject is weighted evenly. For example, an honours year is considered to be 48UOC, stupid mean-nothing courses like a lot of arts ones are only worth 3, some are worth 6 and so on and so forth.

The course is structured in a way that we're forced to do this amount of subjects, not if we want to graduate early, but so that we don't graduate LATE. Imagine paying another semester's worth of rent and food on a student's part time job pay?

I have a friend who got fucked over into doing 8 subjects per semester. And when you take into account that with engineering subjects, it means that he has his whatever amount of lecture hours, along with labs and a total of 8 finals at the end of the semester... Well... you can imagine it's not easy.

Thereby contributing to his 42 hours of class alone per week. When people who do Arts or Humanities majors have their sub 18hr weeks and complain. THOSE people, I agree are pussies. Anyone who does medicine, law or engineering definitely has gets respect for sheer force of will to graduate. Ditto Computer Science. Architects too.

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Spaz hit the nail on the head. If you are capable of managing your time and sticking to the 2-3 hours outside of class for every hour in class (that doesn't mean you don't have to study if you skip class :P ), you'll do fine. I'm tired of hearing people say how hard college is, when both myself and my girlfriend work 30 hours a week, have two children, no family around to help us with the kids, girlfriend studying for LSAT's, I train for 15 hours a week, not to mention the groups that I'm involved in...it's just stupid. If you have any idea how to set boundaries for yourself, you can do it.

On the other hand, fuck school. It kicks my ass every day and I'm looking forward to calculus this semester. Thing is, if it wasn't hard, it wouldn't have any value.

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I AM on scholarship. Average uni kid does 4 subjects per semester, I'm doing 6. I have roughly 33 hours of class a week. I did the math, setting aside 8hrs of sleep a day, 2 hrs for all 3 meals a day, there are many engineering courses which require more hours per week than actual real time.

And most uni courses DO require presentations, which require professional level slideshows [try to consider that many uni professors are retired people who worked in the relevant industry, not just academics] and you to be in a suit.

Along with a never ending barrage of assignments, reports due and then final exams to top it all off.

Most people here who actually ARE in tertiary education or have graduated can attest to this. Constantstruggle for example. Graduating in a Computer Science course and working in the finance industry now, as a sort of investor. Definitely had ridiculous grades.

Shed some light on this?

the fuck are you talking about

if you find it so difficult, then you are not on an adequate level of competency

hardcore programs were not meant for sleeping beauties with their 8 hour bullshit

if evaluations, tests, presentations, and suits overwhelm you, then perhaps higher education is not in your cards.

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Thing is, if it wasn't hard, it wouldn't have any value.

I completely agree with this. If you're not challenging yourself, then it's a big waste of time and you're not doing anything to improve yourself. School is there for you to learn and you should be working your ass off to fuckin' learn as much as you can. Because there won't be another time in your life where all you're expected to do is learn and grow your knowledge base. Cherish that shit and don't whine about it.

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Each time I hand in important papers or finish exams it gives me a good excuse to get drunk

+ in France no diploma = no job or money

Aren't you guys capped at like 35 hours a week of work? That blows my mind with mixed feelings of awesome and confusion.

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Aren't you guys capped at like 35 hours a week of work?

That blows my mind with mixed feelings of awesome and confusion.

Theoretically, yes.

People with real jobs in finance/consulting/banking and so on can work up to 70 hours a week

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i dunno what you're complaining about..i have to take 6 courses every term (nuclear engineering). i'm already done my second year, and it is definitely completely doable. as others said, it's up to you and your time management

i also know other engineers/health science students who can hold their own with good grades and still get a decent amount of sleep, or others who choose to waiver that sleep to have a more lively social life

you shouldn't complain about something you chose, and just because you cannot do it does not mean it is not doable. if you do think it's too hard, then like many have said, just go do something else

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I just got back from my 3d rigid body dynamics class where we were learning about precession and nutation of gyroscopes and how you can apply the equations of motion of gyroscopes to things like tops with superposition. And some shit about space cones/body cones? I dunno, the professor is pretty much incomprehensible (he can't speak English well and teaches like he has an advanced form of ADHD) which makes the course really hard :|

I have a pounding headache from getting less than 5 hours of sleep last night because I had to work on my solid mechanics homework all night (shear stresses due to bending moments inside materials).

Material science classes are the fucking hardest shit. Oh man what I wouldn't give to take easy classes like ordinary differential equations or vector calculus instead of this bullshit again :(

Anywhoo here's a picture of a robot I built last year for a class:


The purpose of the class was to build a robot that could put ping pong balls into containers like that one. The catch was that the robot had to have dimensions of 10"x10"x10" at the start of the round (the container was like 24" tall IIRC). The final exam was like a huge competition with all the robots from all the sections in the class competing in a single elimination tournament. Needless to say I got my ass destroyed...

What was this thread about again?

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