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Screenwriter's Thread

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Are there any other screenwriters out there? I ask this because of the fact that I feel like I'm all alone on this board. I'm currently in the middle of writing one that takes place in a boarding school and the main character tries to stop the secret society that runs it from doing what they are doing. I'm 40 odd pages deep and happy with the way that it is turning out. Feel free to discuss writing and anything else that is involved with screenwriting.

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screenwriting is a pretty difficult process. I've found it's harder than most other writing that I've ever done. It's the whole process of visually planning out an entire sequence of events and then translating that visual process into words typed into a word processor that makes it so difficult for me to get through. With other forms of writing you're pretty much free to hold back on some details of a story, but with screenwriting the story is so visual and needs to be able to be visually translated that you have to describe everything.

I'm working on a screenplay right now about a murder mystery set in the rural southwest. it's coming along nicely

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I know few screenwriters and helped them with ideas and suggestions before. I always have few scripts at home that friends drop off but don't read all of them.

I think the important thing is to be open to criticism. If by any chance your script gets picked up there will be many people who will drop their own changes. This happens to even the best writers and they usually react in different ways but are always open to suggestions.

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  polishmike said:
I think the important thing is to be open to criticism. If by any chance your script gets picked up there will be many people who will drop their own changes. This happens to even the best writers and they usually react in different ways but are always open to suggestions.

I'm very opened to suggestion and criticism since I've decided to become an english major.

  Yardsale said:
My friend and I are back to writing our web sitcom (2 min episodes). I'm also writing a novel, but that's in its infant stages. You?

Pretty much what I said before in my first post. I'm 40 odd pages into it and I hope to finish it by the end of next month. After that I'm gonna start writing a TV bible and then probably start writing it by myself. I personally don't care where it takes me I just do it for the heck of it.

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