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Classic Video Game Thread


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  blm14 said:
There is no way that anything on PS2 platform counts as "classic." it's a fucking sequel PLATFORM for gods sake.

Now THIS is classic


I see your point. Abandoning the emotion technology does put it on the nostalgic curve of unrealized promise though. They just stopped giving a shit when it became clear they'd sell the damn things whether they cared about it or not!

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when i sold my genesis a while ago i bought it for pc on floppy disk, but since computers stopped having floppy disk readers i don't think i've played it. i remember it being as epic as the cover.

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  freecat said:
when i sold my genesis a while ago i bought it for pc on floppy disk, but since computers stopped having floppy disk readers i don't think i've played it. i remember it being as epic as the cover.

atm I'm looking into building a micro PC with win95. Something I can keep with the other consoles and run through the VGA on the big television. My intention is to dedicate it to the X-Wing and Tie Fighter sims, but I'm sure I'll be able to load up a bunch of floppy games.

Now those are some games that belong in this thread. Tie Fighter was especially good with the political intrigue angle, running special pet missions for the Emperor etc.



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  jyoni said:
atm I'm looking into building a micro PC with win95. Something I can keep with the other consoles and run through the VGA on the big television. My intention is to dedicate it to the X-Wing and Tie Fighter sims, but I'm sure I'll be able to load up a bunch of floppy games.

Now those are some games that belong in this thread. Tie Fighter was especially good with the political intrigue angle, running special pet missions for the Emperor etc.

Boy do I miss those old Star Wars flight sims. I have no idea why they haven't done a recent version (at least they hadn't last I looked).

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  setterman said:
Boy do I miss those old Star Wars flight sims. I have no idea why they haven't done a recent version (at least they hadn't last I looked).

None that I know of either, unless you count the Gamecube stuff. X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter is another one I'll probably load in there. It was cool because you could fly anything (Millenium Falcon et al) and it had the big flight school expansion. It lost some of the excitement of those originals though, by trying to one-up them so hard.

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  jyoni said:
atm I'm looking into building a micro PC with win95. Something I can keep with the other consoles and run through the VGA on the big television.

You should look into virtualbox as well as the various emulation programs available for a chipped xbox1 console. There is a torrent for every NES/SNES game ever released. It's like 5 megs heh.

Virtualbox will let you run w95 or even dos (although there are better straight up dos emulators including dosbox for windows and several for *nix) so long as you have at least a dual-core CPU. I run ubuntu at work on a logical 16 core machine (4x Xeon E5355 I think) and give 2 cores each to mac os server 10.5 and windows 7 64bit, respectively. I have a windows xp one also which I use occasionally just to be able to play wizardry 8 mods.

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  blm14 said:
You should look into virtualbox as well as the various emulation programs available for a chipped xbox1 console. There is a torrent for every NES/SNES game ever released. It's like 5 megs heh.

Virtualbox will let you run w95 or even dos (although there are better straight up dos emulators including dosbox for windows and several for *nix) so long as you have at least a dual-core CPU. I run ubuntu at work on a logical 16 core machine (4x Xeon E5355 I think) and give 2 cores each to mac os server 10.5 and windows 7 64bit, respectively. I have a windows xp one also which I use occasionally just to be able to play wizardry 8 mods.

It would be nice to have a more versatile machine. The more I think about it, I might just run the PC in the living room too. I managed to score one of the Dreamcast VGA boxes with the pass-thru, so it would be convenient. I could just set up another drive in there, although my computer-dork friend thinks modern processors might be too fast for 95/98 to run games well. Just have to try it.

Speaking of Dreamcast VGA ( <3 <3 <3 ) I want to upsize my television. Does anyone know if 60hz models tend to have a +/- tolerance? It seems with 120hz or higher, the 60 is more of an afterthought or convenience, and needs dead-on 60hz to work. The Dreamcast runs at more like 58-59 and it can't be changed because the quartz runs the processors at their particular specs too.

I wouldn't mind a 60hz at all because Dreamcast through VGA is unbelievably, stunningly awesome, and in 46-55" it would be well worth the trade-off to me, anyway. I suppose a scaler would be an option, but shit.....

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