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This is the thread in which I impress with my cleverness

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I will make biting comments about another poster's style and/or corpulent anatomy, thus winning over his antogonists and increasing my own social capital. I will be vague, but not so vague that my identity, as defined by my esoteric interests and enthusiams will not shine through. Ultimately, this thread will increase my own limitless sense of internet self-satisfaction.

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I will make biting comments about another poster's style and/or corpulent anatomy, thus winning over his antogonists and increasing my own social capital. I will be vague, but not so vague that my identity, as defined by my esoteric interests and enthusiams will not shine through. Ultimately, this thread will increase my own limitless sense of internet self-satisfaction.

I will take the ever-fashionable counter-position and make a well-thought-out sounding post that makes you reconsider for a second before changing your mind back because you just copped +1000 rep. I may or may not use the phrase "brand synergy" and/or "dressing against body type". This counter-position is closer to what people would say to each other in real life, but I may also just want to have sex with the person you are making biting comments about. The poster whom we are both talking about will likely exploit "myspace angles" to appear more attractive in his/her next WAYWT.

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I will take the ever-fashionable counter-position and make a well-thought-out sounding post that makes you reconsider for a second before changing your mind back because you just copped +1000 rep. I may or may not use the phrase "brand synergy" and/or "dressing against body type". This counter-position is closer to what people would say to each other in real life, but I may also just want to have sex with the person you are making biting comments about. The poster whom we are both talking about will likely exploit "myspace angles" to appear more attractive in his/her next WAYWT.

i would like to alert you to the fact that you clearly do not understand the cultural foundation of the post which you are so harshly criticizing. i will not explain these things to you because you would not understand it anyways, but i will namedrop some predominant names in the cultural movement that the poster was referencing for the few people on this forum who are intelligent enough to have had the exact same cultural upbringing as i did.

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I feel it is necessary that I may intervene at certain points within the future debate as a means to regulate the candour of the developing topics of dialogue. Although I am lacking any observations that direct me to judge that regulatory counter arguments are in need, it is apparent that my assist may perhaps be required at a later date.

Until future exchange, I abscond understanding that Superfuture is aware of my person.

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After being called out, quite reasonably, by a kinder internet writer, for my harsh stupidity, I will feel like the man in Sartre, who suddenly hears footsteps behind him while he is pleasurably peering through a keyhole at unspeakable indecencies. I will retract my previous criticisms and admit that they are only an aspect of an internet persona, id run rampant. In the end, my attack and retreat will only underscore my own humanness. Thus, my esteem in the community will increase as I admit my faults and show than I am capable of being humane.

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nonetheless, i will find criticism in your comment and be offended that you are reverting to a passive aggressive style of debate. i will ask you if ad hominems are the best you can do, and once again repeat the same arguments about the same topic in case anybody missed my first post and would rep a second one. i will click on my supertalk repeatedly to see what the forum's response to my post is, and will be disappointed to find that i'm not getting any reputation at all, neither positive or negative.

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i would like to alert you to the fact that you clearly do not understand the cultural foundation of the post which you are so harshly criticizing. i will not explain these things to you because you would not understand it anyways, but i will namedrop some predominant names in the cultural movement that the poster was referencing for the few people on this forum who are intelligent enough to have had the exact same cultural upbringing as i did.

I am somewhat bewildered and embarassed at my lack of knowledge in the particular brands and cultural history behind the debated outfit(s), but reiterate the importance of having a realistic, if pedestrian view on fashion to prevent becoming contrived and costume-looking.

I am honestly curious about the knowledge you allude to but never explain in full, and take your word at face value. It is possible I will enter "streetwear," "ura hara," "skinhead," "hardcore," "american traditional," and/or "harajuku" into the search box.

I may wince at future instances of the phrase "oozing OG streetwear".

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It is at this point I announce to the forum that I am a flaming homosexual. I will ask everyone to disregard what I have said previously and note that I "suck cocks".

Below you will see a picture of a young, overweight, white woman taking a poorly-lit picture of herself with a digital point-and-shoot in the bathroom mirror while topless posted ten times. These may or may not be animated.

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this thread is the one in which users illuminate non-users with the blinding light of their bioluminescent self-cleaning emergency wang-a-langs, known to laymen as flesh-cudgels, and to idiots as "brushing teeth with finger", no translation available, born chinese, made of clotted cream, no hands or face, a huge clock chasing your mom.

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