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jpgm, what other bm bands do you listen to?

nothing too crazy really...generally the more 'listenable' stuff, the more cleanly produced music as opposed to the bands that like to sound as if they were recorded in a tin can. also, i tend towards the more melodic side of black metal.

bands immediately coming to mind.....: dissection, immortal, behemoth, mayhem, naglfar, the furor, deathspell omega, anaal nathrakh, astriaal, augury, emperor, extol, infernal war.

whether or not some of them are 'true' bm is probably up for debate, but its not really a debate id waste any time having.

how about yourself?

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jpgm, you should check out Amesoeurs, Epheles, Angantyr, Drudkh, and Taake. They're all fairly melodic. Amesoeurs is doing some innovative stuff with combining bm and alternative rock and making it work. I would also say to check out Peste Noire. They're very raw, but they're decently melodic and have some kickass solos.

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nice....cheers for the suggestions dude, appreciated.

ill definitely check them out when i get a chance to grab some new tunes.

i havent really been listening to much metal (or 'rock'/guitar-based music) at all recently, so some new discoveries will go down quite nicely.

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nothing too crazy really...generally the more 'listenable' stuff, the more cleanly produced music as opposed to the bands that like to sound as if they were recorded in a tin can. also, i tend towards the more melodic side of black metal.

bands immediately coming to mind.....: dissection, immortal, behemoth, mayhem, naglfar, the furor, deathspell omega, anaal nathrakh, astriaal, augury, emperor, extol, infernal war.

whether or not some of them are 'true' bm is probably up for debate, but its not really a debate id waste any time having.

how about yourself?

yes, some of those band are debateable, but i'll save it for some other time. melodic bm is great, kudos on deathspell, their my favorite so far and on anaal nathrakh. i dont really have a solid genre of bm that im into, it ranges alot. but some bands are burzum, xasthur, hate forest, nachtmystium (their actually playing a show with nile in march i think, im excited), carpathian forest, 1349(overrated band, but i love frosts' drumming) darkthrone, orosius and alot more.

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I'm proud to present a "soulful" house mix from DJ Tommyfixx.

His mixes reach deep down to soothe and warm your soul. Get ready to pamper your ears and your spirit.

You can find DJ Tommyfixx at www.myspace.com/djtommyfixx.


* Bah Samba f/Isabel Fructuoso - CALMA

* Bobby D'Ambrosio f/Lasala - RUNAWAY LOVE

* Raw Silk - DO IT TO THE MUSIC\

* Kerrie Chandler & Monique Bingham - IN THE MORNING

* Beady Belle - HINDSIGHT

* Carolyn Harding - PICK IT UP

* Chuck Love - SET ME FREE

* Big Moses - Deep Inside

* Groove Junkie Pres T.C. Moses - DEVOTION

* Chuck Love w/Fourteen Feet - Beautiful Thang

* Shawn Christopher -YOU CAN MAKE IT

* Groove Junkie f/Solaran - PARADISE

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