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rain and dry denim


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I did do a search before I posted. I didn't get any results. I'll do a better search next time.

While the poor kid in Ukraine is eating some pretzels he thinks to himself "damn these pretzels are salty". His ears starts burning and he wonders if somewhere in the world there are people talking about him and his denim.



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i dont know why people are so paranoid over distressing their jeans

people buy dry jeans to wear them out then get worried when they start getting dirty?

if anything, rain will naturally remove a minimal amount of color the same way color would be removed by rubbing your hands into your jeans....

the only time i worry about my jeans is if i end up with like, a big ketchup stain on my thigh or somethin hahahah then ill use use that tide to go pen thing and it cleans it up real nice

the more you let your jeans experience life the better theyll become

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I would probably wear my dry jeans in the rain too, it doesn't really matter to me.

I do live in Vancouver, it rains here all the freakin time, after a while I'll be wearing jeans that look like they've been dip dyed, with white at the hem to the knees and dark from the knee and up. I got some white pro keds, maybe they'll be blue pro keds after a year. Then I'll look back and think to myself, "yes I'm living a full life, carpe diem!"



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