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relatively new to this site...

lots of denim heads here w/ lots of good info.

however, there is also lots of comedy on here, and here are my fave kinds...

1) how do my jeans fit?

buncha homos taking pics of themselves in the mirror and posting them on web forums. wow.

what's next, "how is my d.zoolander pose?"

2) what are you wearing today?

how gay is this???

and no, i'm not a homophobe. my best friend is gay. heck, all my friends are... it's just one big gayfest when we hang out.


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I realise you're new to the site and all but that's all the more reason you should just observe rather than passing judgement or pointing out this sorta shit.

One of the great things about forums is that you lurk on them forever and actually observe what they're all about and then decide if you want to become part of it. Niketalk's a great example of this. I used to lurk on there back in the day and was actually considering applying to be a user until I started seeing all the high-school chatter and bullshit that started appearing. Now, I don't even check that board for anything.

Similarly, if you're not down with what you see here (ie. what did you wear today, etc), then noone's forcing you to participate. Different strokes for different folks, you know?

Personally, I actually like the WDYWT thread cuz it puts me up on different stuff that i'd probably never have seen otherwise. It's all bout education, not hate or biting someone else's style.

Btw, most ppl who say 'I'm not a _____, but ..." usually are.

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this being an open forum, i exercised my right to pass judgement.

if i think somebody posting a picture of themselves is gay (or ghey, whatever that means), so be it.

people pass judgements everyday, nearly every minute of their lives.

i'm sure you walked by somebody today thinking, "i can't believe he's wearing that lame shirt/shoes/pants/socks/watch/etc." you did, i'm sure. if not today, you did it yesterday, okay?

so this being an "open forum" and the members are allowed to express whatever they want, i took the liberty to express my thoughts that the "WDYWT" threads are gay and funny. wanna see what other ppl are wearing? walk down the f-in' street and take a look instead of asking homos to post pics!!!

also, the whole "btw, most ppl who say "i'm not a bland, but..." usu are? are you accusing me of being a homophobe?

oh, well okay. you got me. i'm a homophobe. so there. touché. score one for the triniboy.

by the way, your picture logo thing is really cool. what the hell is that? "muahahahaha"???

just kidding. it's really gay.

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I guess it's really too much to expect maturity from the people on here.

I have nothing wrong with you passing judgement - hey, as you said, we all do it all the time. That being said, I don't go up to the guy on the street and tap him on the shoulder and tell him to his face that his outfit sucks. I keep it to my damn self because who am I to tell him what to wear? He's got his own style, just like everyone else on here has their own unique style.

Unless you actually have some constructive criticism to contribute, I don't see how you add any value to the board with your 'that looks gay' comments.

I just don't want to see this forum degrade to the point that some of the other boards (ie. Niketalk) have gotten to where it's all hate. I'm not saying you have to be on the guy's dick and fawn over him if you love his outfit, but you also don't have to be a cunt about it either.

Edited by triniboy27 on Sep 28, 2005 at 08:33 AM

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I guess it's really too much to expect maturity from the people on here.

I have nothing wrong with you passing judgement - hey, as you said, we all do it all the time. That being said, I don't go up to the guy on the street and tap him on the shoulder and tell him to his face that his outfit sucks. I keep it to my damn self because who am I to tell him what to wear? He's got his own style, just like everyone else on here has their own unique style.

Unless you actually have some constructive criticism to contribute, I don't see how you add any value to the board with your 'that looks gay' comments.

I just don't want to see this forum degrade to the point that some of the other boards (ie. Niketalk) have gotten to where it's all hate. I'm not saying you have to be on the guy's dick and fawn over him if you love his outfit, but you also don't have to be a cunt about it either.

Edited by triniboy27 on Sep 28, 2005 at 08:33 AM

--- Original message by triniboy27 on Sep 28, 2005 08:33 AM


i don't want to start a hate epidemic on this forum.

i will OCCASSIONALLY pepper in some hate, but not enough to make this into a "Niketalk" (i don't get the reference, but i guess there's a lot of hate on that forum).

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I think that using gay as a negative adjective is gay.

--- Original message by hybris on Sep 28, 2005 08:45 AM

okay dude, if your comment was supposed to be funny, that is f-in hilarious.

b/c you're using the word "gay" there as a negative adjective, which you said is gay! haha.

if you were being serious there, you're a fucking idiot.

b/c you just said using "gay" as a neg adj is "gay"... therefore you are being "gay" right there.

instead, you should have said "i think that using gay as a neg adj is retarded/stupid/uncouth."

now, be honest, were u trying to be funny or being serious?

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I'm not a fan of the 'what are you wearing' or 'how does this look' type threads myself. Admittedly, they're easy enough to avoid (simply by not clicking on them) but the fact that they're on here at all makes the board seem...lame. I appreciate that a couple of posters are only putting up images in response to requests from others (which I have no problem with) but there are also several others who just seem to be attention starved.

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Sep 28, 2005 at 09:17 AM

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Any forum is an open forum to spout off. That doesn't mean that the forum members are going to agree with you... or that you won't piss off a moderator (maybe not on this lax board).

What's annoying is the fact that you're singling out people for engaging in sharing information in a "gay" manner, when you yourself are looking for validation from others who would take the same narrow-minded view as you.

If you're looking for boards to pass judgement in the same manner that you have thus far, then this probably isn't the place for you. If your sole purpose is to troll this board and get a reaction, then mission accomplished. The next question is... is that all you're going to do going forward or do you actually give a shit about the type of clothes people talk about here? If you are interested, then "biting off" on others is probably not the right approach on this board, or any other board really.

Maybe you were looking for a board to talk about trucker hats and Von Dutch jeans.

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