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Could You Beat Your Dad In A Fight?


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no, just no

HAHAHHAHAA. your dad is a fucking beast

lol my my dad is old, fat, short, bigass beer belly and could whip the shit outa me. once like 5 years ago I was chillin working at the store like doing computer graphics shit. some guy comes into the store and is like "yo lemme use the phone me car broke down" so my dad is like aite yeah w/e. so the guy uses the phone for like half an hour, then my dad is like "wtf this is a work phone not something for you to fuck around all day on", with his gruff voice/slight accent. so the guy proceeds to say hella shit, keep in mind this is the ghetto, this guy is probably early twenties; in shape, my dad is like 50's. the guy tries to run up on my pops and swings. my dad fucking picks up this rolling chair and snaps it in half on this guys back. the whole time I'm just trippin oggling this shit and the motherfucker is LAID OUT. so the popo show up and my dad says some shit about the guy trying to break the chair and he knocked him out in self defense

:/ my dad used to beat the shit outa me all the time but the one time I get fed up and I'm like about to fight his ass, he respects me and kinda backs down

point is, my dad is like a fuckin ogre, I would lose this fight badly

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  Just Another XY said:
damn. half yo dads are cooler than you

but i guess, that's the spirit of things.


a lot of our parents were peasants. they have infinitely more concrete wisdom, toughness, and life experience than our gayass fashion forum community will ever attain

unless you join style zeitgeist (7.8)

or transcend beyond material lust; monk concept

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Straight up. No.

I remember when my friends would always say that if I got into so many arguments with my dad, why didn't I just fight him.

Then they saw him at the gym and he became known as "Old Asian Buff Guy"

I don't necessarily like my dad but I respect him. He's gone through way more shit than anybody else i know. and came out on top.

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I fight my dad a lot actually and ive been whooping him lately. Its cause he doesnt have as much stamina as me. I throw fakes and let him swing at me until he tires out then I just take him down. He was also stronger than me until about 2 years ago. He could probably rock you marks though.

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i'd love to beat his ass so much. he really deserves it. i'll see if i can make him drink a lot next time i see him, i'll drink too, and i'll beat him up.

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hmm physically i couldn't beat my dad but i know karate and he doesn't, but if i failed i would be in for some shit because i couldn't get away from him

always an old man in his late 50's running 3hr marathons concept

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  Gilead said:
Before? No, but he's got a real bad back and he's like, 60 now, so I probably could these days.

Exactly what he said

although dad's always got that old man strength

cause to me you gotta be pretty fucked up to sock your pops full strength. But you know he's not gonna think twice about smacking you silly

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i find that arab dads, no matter stature or age could kick ass and thats the same for my dad...

hes about 50 something and could beat my ass.

the trick is to be about 15ft away when mocking him so by the time he gets to his feet im too far away to catch. :P

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I don't know if I could, I challenged my dad to fistfights many times in high school but he never took me on, I was a pretty angry dude back then. Probably would've bit off his ears or something. I'm glad I didn't cuz dude still gives me money sometimes.

My grandfathers, dad's dad would've whipped my ass for sure, guy was only like 5'6 but he was a mason and had some guns on him til the day he died. I think he had some joint replacements and no one even knew. I'm pretty sure they guy got in some fights in his day, he didn't even like his own brother and they lived next door to each other all their lives. My mom's dad, guy is still alive, always kinda soft spoken, grandma was always taller than him, but the guy has worked some pretty backbreaking work all his life and I didn't even realize til I was like 21 that he has some sailors ink on his arms and his arms are all wrinkly but still pretty sizable.

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  julzkind said:
i find that arab dads, no matter stature or age could kick ass and thats the same for my dad...

hes about 50 something and could beat my ass.

the trick is to be about 15ft away when mocking him so by the time he gets to his feet im too far away to catch. :P

My dad started throwing his slippers at me when i was that far away.

and he had damn good aim as well

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my dad's always been buff and knows how to fight.

i do too, but not at my dad's level.

and pa's got knuckles of steel

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  julzkind said:
i find that arab dads, no matter stature or age could kick ass and thats the same for my dad...

hes about 50 something and could beat my ass.

the trick is to be about 15ft away when mocking him so by the time he gets to his feet im too far away to catch. :P

is being able to kick your daughter's ass a point of pride in arab culture?

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i think as one ages

the way one fights changes too.

think about it

when you're 25, you're a tough ripper with fists of steel. all you want to do is ko that motherfucker.

at 55, you're kinda old, physically slow, a little fat ... but you've been around the block for what, like 5 decades? you know how the world works, how to 'grease' the palms of certain people.

now at this age – a k.o., ain't gonna happen too easily, but you can figure other ways of fucking somebody up. destroy their credit, besmirch their name, steal their wife, kill their sons ... there's 1000 ways to kill a man, but a million to fuck him up good and proper.

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  Clopek said:
is being able to kick your daughter's ass a point of pride in arab culture?


(then u kill them)


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