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After 1 month, im not really satisfied with the progress on my STFs


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Ok, its been one month and im wondering, am i just expecting too much? I wear my stfs alot baggier than my other jeans and slacks, but i didnt think that would be a problem. I have a hard time with almost all of the creases staying. They are still pretty stiff, and i starch them every couple of days, but after a month of wearing everyday, i dont see much progress at all. Im not about to give up even slightly, but am i just expecting too much? Is there anything i can do to make them look a little better? I love them but after seeing some pics on here, i was looking forward to some sick honeycombing taking shape.

one question, someone i was talking to said that he once bought a pair of extremely stiff levis, like overtly stiff, that you could barely move in them. They supposedly smelled like chemical and were a one off mistake, seconds i guess. Has anyone heard of something like this, specifically the chemicals smelling like coconut?

and here are some pics of my jeans after 1 month everyday wear




Edited by breakfasteatre on Sep 21, 2005 at 11:29 PM

Edited by breakfasteatre on Sep 21, 2005 at 11:30 PM

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Please do not consider my word with any importance but i think your problem is the cut of the jeans.

Even totally raw very rigid jeans will not crease beautifully unless they are relatively fitted. It is combination of gravity and perhaps a bit fo humidity that will not allow crease to form. That is where you want creases to form (groin and kneeback) there is to much material and hence it is draping straight rather than creasing.

PLus where you live? does it have humidity cause some believe this disrupts with creases, due to fact that water particles release the tension between fibres that hold creases together.

Also, i am not familiar with the denim in this pair but if you have a closer shot of inside of denim it will be nice, so i can see construction

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i think it has to do with the nature of the stf's dye. they do not seem to exhibit contrasts as readily as the other indigo dyed denims. but then again, you've only had them for one month. i don't recall seeing a 1 month old pair of jeans with marked contrasts.

john's also right, creases come more readily if the jeans are more fitted.

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umm, you can try... but i had this conversation with someone the other day. If you have to keep shrinking/heating etc then the creases will end up in different places and really not happen at all actually.

So my recommendation is that if you want worn in look you might have to start a new pair with a thinner leg. Go and check out the gallery of this brands site and see what i mean by thinner leg giving crease easily.


before i get accussed of something here, don't buy there jeans just look at the pictures. go to gallery (second button down) then raw and press on the thumbnails.

Cause then you can have a breaking in pair and a casual pair. If you ask me i actually like dark raw denim without any wearing in patterns sometimes.

I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

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If you have regular stf levis, do not shrink them until you feel like the fading is enough. The new stfs are made with really soft denim and the dye will fade a lot after one wash and the creases won't come back after one wash. I work construction and will wear my stfs rigid for a month and the contrast is great after a month. I would wear them longer, but the stench is a little too much.

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ok so here's a story about a pair of jeans..

i got some new standards about 2 months ago, doing the usual wearing them everyday blah blah blah.. last friday i went out and saw a friends band and got smashed, ended up swimming in the sea fully clothed and then had a play fight on the beach for about an hour. partyed some more and ended up riding my bmx back to mine at about 6 or something. got my stuff then went for a surf, got out the sea after leaving my jeans on a friends clothing line in the sun for about 3 hours. put them and looked down and they were trashed and totally stiff from the sea, sand and beer. now my girlfriend wont go near me but fuck it. hahahahaha.

anywho's im off to join the volcom surf tour or something.. i'd get to do that every night

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"I haven't brought it bowling...I didn't rent it shoes, I'm not buying it a fucking beer, it's not taking a fucking turn..."

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