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Question for the boys of SuFu: Nipple Piercing?


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I've been seriously contemplating getting my left nipple pierced, and I'm curious to know what you would think if you pulled a white button down shirt and a cashmere sweater off a girl, and then realized she had a small silver bar through her nipple.

Is this gloriously arousing? Or is it just something that instantly signals white trash?

I love the idea because I feel it would be like a secret that you could keep from everyone except from the particular boy who is tugging at the zippers and buttons, and it would be a very interesting contrast with the rest of my image. But of course, I have those lingering tingles of insecurity, and so, even though I'm a lurker, I thought I'd pose the question, since SuFu gives the truth straight up, with no milk.

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For a serious answer, it probably depends on the guy. I personally don't think a nipple piercing signifies white trash, but rather the way you carry yourself and dress. I don't think wearing said cashmere sweater with a nipple piercing underneath would be trashy.

If you really want to do it, fuck it, and do it. It's not permanent and if your future/current boyfriend isn't a fan, its not like its a tattoo.

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^That's also how I felt about it.

Now I recently encountered my first one (a bar) and it was far more pleasant then I had originally thought.

Downside to me was that I had to be extra carefull not to rip the whole thing out...

However, it was fun for those couple of times, I don't think I would want any of that on girlfriend, same with the other piercings, fun to fuck around with for a little bit, but in the long run I have enough fun already with things as they are...

Breastesses are good just the way they are (well most of the times atleast).

I wouldn't worry about the whitethrash aspect of it, it depends on how you carry yourself.

I'd say go for it, if it turns out that you don't like it than knowing that will be worth the little money and pain...

Oh, and I was told that you'll walk around fucking horny for a while after you've done it, especially if you already have sensitive nipples.

So make sure you have someone/thing to get rid of all that sexual energy...

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I have to say I don't find it attractive. I don't think it would be a complete turn off to unveil a nipple piercing, but it certainly would not arouse me. Then again, I don't find piercings attractive in general; ear piercings are acceptable, but they, in my eyes, seem neither to augment nor diminish a woman's attractiveness.

More than one ex-girlfriend has asked me what I would think if they were to get various bodily/facial piercings and I’ve always said I’d probably dump them if they did.

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For a serious answer, it probably depends on the guy. I personally don't think a nipple piercing signifies white trash, but rather the way you carry yourself and dress. I don't think wearing said cashmere sweater with a nipple piercing underneath would be trashy.

If you really want to do it, fuck it, and do it. It's not permanent and if your future/current boyfriend isn't a fan, its not like its a tattoo.

quoted for truth. super trashy but very temporary

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Oh, and I was told that you'll walk around fucking horny for a while after you've done it, especially if you already have sensitive nipples.

So make sure you have someone/thing to get rid of all that sexual energy...

Haven't heard this about that particular piercing, hear cold weather can be painful though. About Cotton's comment; I have heard it about getting pierced down there. Having experienced both, I'd say a clit piercing is a lot more fun, definitely qualifies under the "contrast to the rest of image" thing, and nobody will even know unless you want them to.

Nearly all the girls I've met with nipple piercings got them done so they had an excuse to get guys to beg them to see their boobs. So they weren't all that great to begin with, and a nail through them doesn't make them look better. And if boobs in question are amazing, they don't need to be fucked up with metal. All my opinion though; it's your body, if you like it, I'd say do it.

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