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APC Spring 2008


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Although I agree that the prices are WAY out there, I think a lot of it has to do with how the Euro and the Dollar are doing. Here in L.A. whenever they have their sale, I can pretty much get every single piece I wanted from the season. That really isn't much because I only go and buy about 3 or 4 pieces, but I always know I'm going to get what I want. Their 50% off the entire collection type of thing is really cool, and I HATE the way the button up shirts fit, they are either too wide on the torso or too narrow on the shoulders.. I just size up and wash it and it fits great.. I want some of their derbies (specifically last year's derbies) but the price, I agree, is a little much.

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The same can be said for every other label out there. In the 90s apc jeans sold for ninety something and were much better constructed as well. The only thing I paid full price for last year was a beige lambswool heathered jumper that wasn't made it china and it was apparent by the hand of the garment. Everything else I got from the knit tie to the black version of the jumper was at least 30-40 off due to friends and family or store connects. Jean is alienating his core customer with these ridiculous and unjustified prices increases, he doesn't understand that I'm buying better shit for marginally more.

One thing apc does well is have a few standout signature pieces every season that are markedly higher quality and it's these I'm after. I couldn't give a fuck about everything else at half off.

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Thanks for the advice guys! Very much appreciated... I decided to wait for the SALE with the dress... Regarding the women collection I can understand why people prefer the older stuff but for me personally I always buy clothes that I know I'd still want to wear 10 years down the track and they're not always basic/classic stuff... it just happens that I still want a few stuff from current season...

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i got a size 30 in the grey jeans. waaaaay too small. interesting since i have new standard black in size 29 and they fit (although snug) even before the stretch started.

they seem to be cut a bit slimmer than the new standards, but that could also be because of the smaller sizing. ah the pitfalls of buying clothes online. i'll be exchanging them for a 32 or maybe even a 33.

i emailed apc about the grey jeans, fyi they're not raw. their response:

>> the fabric is a soft medium weight denim with no stretch

wonder what size i should get then, i'm only used to apc raw jeans, in a size 29 or 30 to accomodate stretch.

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I agree with Jet. There are stil a few great pieces each year, so I don't care if not everything is perfect.

Also, funny that you would try to discredit an entire line just because you are very skinny and their stuff has gotten less so. That's just the way they cut it. I'm not that skinny, I like it better now. who cares. RO makes long sleeves, Japanese brands are cut small, etc. You just learn how stuff fits and roll with it.

I'm not saying APC is always the perfect fit for everyone or that everything's great, but just trying to give an unbiased opinion

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Ask anyone who has worked in the garment industry and they will tell you that most sizing inconsistencies are due to the fact that it's being manufactured in China. Chinese manufacturers are notorious for not following specifications and doing what ever they please unless you keep a vigilant eye on all your shipments.

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Just popped into Nomad today since they've got their first shipment of spring stuff, didn't realize the grey would be coming in cure as well as standard. Since I've been looking for a pair of grey denim, these might just be it.

Also noticed the trousers are cut like cures too, which is interesting.

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i dont understand the appeal of apc. to me, it's gap with quirks and only slightly better cuts. throw it on coca rocha, multiply the price by 7, and you've got pretty much the same shit on the website.


chris, as many guys mentioned apc has changed a lot for last few years, but besides of that i can not agree with you, even if i am not a big fan of tuitou now - maybe the best way is to go to one of shops and just touch fabrics - for me it is (maybe was) all about retro-minimalism and high quality fabrics. also if you have a while, there is a really good interview from index magazine here, from couple of years ago... hope you enjoy! btw, i am not into this new collection looks, which are too "perfect" and good looking in a really straight way, but there is for example a really nice blue cardigan...

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I bought a hoodie from this season, and I'm curious as to what people's opinions are on it. In my opinion, the cut is awful, but then again I'm used to hoodies that are cut really slim. This one is a lot more boxy/loose, and I'd like to know what others think about it.

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Just got the Men's Spring 2008 Catalog in today.

Lot's of great pieces that do not appear on the website. Can't

wait to check these out in store in March.

Just a few pages.

which store did you get this from? i only got the catalog with the pieces that are on the site.

the grey new cures are 215 i think.

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which store did you get this from? i only got the catalog with the pieces that are on the site.

the grey new cures are 215 i think.

huh. a little steep for jeans :\

but i have $100 gift certificate, so $115 isn't bad. i could split that with another item too if i watned too. but i dunno, i have to see some of this stuff in person to really decide whether its worth the money. this collection is very tentative for me. if it does not deliver in person, i'm gonna be sorely disappointed.

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