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Can't breathe, help!


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I know it's stupid coming to you guys for help on this, but this is really bothering me. For a few years now, I haven't been able to breathe from my nose properly. Sometimes I can breathe through one, left or right, or neither. I dont know if I snore or not. This happens no matter what season it is, and I dont have any (known) allergies. I've had two fiber optics and a sleep study when I was younger and the doctors never followed up. Some said my tonsils were abnormally large, and some said they were normal. Sprays, tabs, none of that worked. I read about deviated septums today, and it sounds like it may be that. Can anyone give some insight? Is it true that the organs don't get air if you're not breathing through your nose as you sleep?

ps: lets be serious, i dont have any dicks stuck in my nose.

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  fg0d said:
its called a deviated septum, i kind of want the surgery, because i could get a rhinoplasty at the same time. my nose is too wide, makes me look asian or black.

yeah, thats also how you get insurance to pay for it.

  xcoldricex said:
yes, get rhinoplasty STAT.... you don't want to be mistaken for one of those races!

fuck no!

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  hellogoodbye said:
i can't breathe properly too, all the time. the bone going down the middle of my chest (right between my nipples) hurts like a bitch 24/7. but heart/lung tests come back normal. waht the fuck? any doctorz? give me online diagnosis plz?

fg0d, it sounds like u hav a dick stuck up your nose.


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  hellogoodbye said:
wow, thanks wild whiskey, i just looked it up on the net, and it sounds exactly like what i'm experiencing. all the doctors i saw either said i was just 'stressed' or 'anxious'. fuck them.

edit- coldrice, that was my initial suspicion, but xrays turned up negative.

wild whiskey saves the day once again

can we rename this the medical advice threak?

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