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Weird/bad habits / SuperOCDtics

Charlie Delta

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I always find it necessary to spit in a sink or a toilet, for no reason whatsoever. This does not exclude kitchen sinks or public bathroom sinks. I have no idea why, because I don't like to spit on the ground, spit out gum, chew tobacco or anything like that.. I guess it's a better habit than swallowing everything?? partial homo?

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  Clopek said:
I flip things. I think it's an offshoot of skateboarding. I flip my cellphone, remote controls, glasses, bowls, ipods, anything. People hate it. They get all jumpy.
  Akura said:
I have a bad habbit of jumping over things. If i see an object I always think about clearing it. This usually applies to jumping over couches, coffee tables, people. One time I cleared a tray full of food on a tray stand.

i do both of these things incessantly haha

i also pick my nose when im high, only when im high ... no anal retentive?

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  branespload said:
I always find it necessary to spit in a sink or a toilet, for no reason whatsoever. This does not exclude kitchen sinks or public bathroom sinks. I have no idea why, because I don't like to spit on the ground, spit out gum, chew tobacco or anything like that.. I guess it's a better habit than swallowing everything?? partial homo?

Oh god, I hate when people do that. Especially when others can see them.

When I have an alcoholic drink, I blow on it like it's coffee or something to cool it down.

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  bee hee said:
Oh god, I hate when people do that. Especially when others can see them.

When I have an alcoholic drink, I blow on it like it's coffee or something to cool it down.

Haha, I wouldn't do it when people are around, I know it's a gross/weird habit. I *hope* they can't see me, because most of the time I'm doing it in my bathroom. And I don't spit out phlegm or anything nasty, its just the little bit of saliva that I have in my mouth. Who knows.

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  branespload said:
Haha, I wouldn't do it when people are around, I know it's a gross/weird habit. I *hope* they can't see me, because most of the time I'm doing it in my bathroom. And I don't spit out phlegm or anything nasty, its just the little bit of saliva that I have in my mouth. Who knows.

I saw the weirdest thing related to this a while ago:

I was in the bathroom at a denny's and this guy, after finishing at the urinal, walks to the sink and turns on the water. rather than washing his hands, he spits into it and walks out.

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I have to take my clothes off the second i get home at night.

I can't have my clothes on for more than five seconds when i step inside the house, it bothers the living shit out of me get home and be wearing the clothing i wore while out.

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  Clopek said:
I flip things. I think it's an offshoot of skateboarding. I flip my cellphone, remote controls, glasses, bowls, ipods, anything. People hate it. They get all jumpy.

clopek, i do the same thing and i think that its definitely an offshoot of skateboarding as thats where mine came from to. however, its usually not glasses or bowls, usually rectangular shapes. :rolleyes:

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  skeetinyonose said:
kiya, I'm the exact same way, right when I get home the clothes get thrown onto the dresser. The worst of it comes when I bring guests over and have to fight the urge to change into 'house clothes' and stay in the clothes I wear out.

Holy shit, i thought i was the only one that was that manic.

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i like to eat my fruit loops by color. purple, red, green, blue, yellow then orange.

i highlight my magazines like i highlight textbooks

i write post it notes and stick em' everywhere. star shaped.

i like sitting on rooftop in the wee morning just staring at the sky.

when i pay for restaurant bill with credit card i like making the total even..so if its 12.34 i'd leave a 2.66 so it comes out to 15.00 even

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i have a really strange habit/OCD weirdo thing. its hard to explain but i'll try...

when im a passenger in a car, as the white lines on the road go through the edge of the windscreen i have to tense my leg depending on which leg is closer to where the line hits the car. for example if there is a constant white line on the left hand side of the road and a split line on the right. my left leg will be constantly tensed and my right leg will be tensing and relaxing according to where the lines are.

im a freak, i know.

(i dont do this while driving)

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I think I talk about clothes too much, and i don't even mean to....

I also have a bad habbit of describing things in too much detail, which makes some people seem like I am bragging... Like instead of saying I drank hot chocolate, i'll say, I drank godiva hot chocolate. (Godiva isn't even good in my mind) but people take this as bragging somehow, and i dont even see how it is. When describing what I got for xmas, instead of saying dress socks, i said polo dress socks, i always put the brand infront of it for the most part, and alto of people see this as bragging, but I am not sure, does anyone else do this?

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i clicked on the trash, because i was about to start a thread just like this (except it wasnt "bad" habits. just weird habits and rituals you have), and i find that cotton already started a habits thread.

anyways, i was going to post these (again, they are more like rituals than habits):

in san francisco, i always buy a 99 cent arizona ice tea at walgreens.

in japan, whenever i walk about town, i always buy spicy chicken from family mart, and a huge bottle of garden lemon tea.

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lots of food habits, very interesting .... umm wierd

when i get nervous (which happens a lot) i make a lot of strange facial expressions, especially my mouth just contorts and stuff. really funny if u watch but embarassing none the less

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  Clopek said:
I flip things. I think it's an offshoot of skateboarding. I flip my cellphone, remote controls, glasses, bowls, ipods, anything. People hate it. They get all jumpy.

same here.

i cant stop moving. like when im waiting, i do these weird rythmic movements. and when im sitting, my legs always shaking. always. like just right now, when i was brushing my teeth, i was bouncing myself off the sink towards and away from the mirror. then i started rocking back and forth while turning 360 degrees, and then i started to walk in and out of the bathroom. i think i have ADD.

i started to crack my knuckles a few years ago. i also crack my jaw. and i push my tongue against the back of my teeth and rub it up and down up and down.

when i was like ten, i used to exhale sharply. and i used to grind my teeth.

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  constant struggle said:
I think I talk about clothes too much, and i don't even mean to....

I also have a bad habbit of describing things in too much detail, which makes some people seem like I am bragging... Like instead of saying I drank hot chocolate, i'll say, I drank godiva hot chocolate. (Godiva isn't even good in my mind) but people take this as bragging somehow, and i dont even see how it is. When describing what I got for xmas, instead of saying dress socks, i said polo dress socks, i always put the brand infront of it for the most part, and alto of people see this as bragging, but I am not sure, does anyone else do this?

Ok Patrick Bateman.

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I know it's really stupid, but after I've picked my nose I sometimes smell my finger that I stuck in my nostril/s.

Many times I'd be talking to a girl and I'd bring something up about cars, computer games, or denim freakiness. I always bring up shit people don't give a shit about.

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