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thanks for the translate.. most of the real nice fades are worn daily for at least 5x a week and more than 2-3yrs. some of them are washed daily and most are done by washing machines.

those evi no1 and no2 are amazing.. as stated as the "highest quality in japan"?.. same as the 12+1 sufu jeans right?

on page 180, sugar cane sc41966.. worn daily for a year and a half. but the wear/fade came out really nice. i hope my '55 can be like that after a year or so :)

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from sufu660 thread:

  Chicken said:

world is watching

special order items from popular oversea shops

we'll introduce you some special japanese items ordered by popular denim shops in new york and hong kong. in new york, there's even a contest you can participate from japan!

caption top right: the patch made for blue in green's special order model. design is very unique.

caption middle right: obsession about color fading wasn't just a japanese thing. what kind of plans could these participants from all over the world have in their mind as they wear these down from the raw state?

caption top left: here's a faded sample of the 660. would there be a contestant who'd achieve beyond these strong selvage fade, contrasty hip area and natural-looking vertical fade?

world-wide denim contest is on!

caption lower right: tighter fitting straight cut compared to warehouse's standard straight models. this silhouette is easier to achieve fades.

warehouse "660" specially ordered by new york's blue in green. this is a medium low rise straight cut jeans using the long-time warehouse standard 1000 (1000xx) denim. it's a vintage-like denim constructed in a silhouette tailored more to the new york trend. of course, this model is a limited edition only available from blue in green. there's no plan of a release in japan. and another aspect of this 660 is that there's a world-wide denim contest going on right now. there are contestants not only from the u.s., but europe, asia and oceania (more than 10 countries!), as well. there's also a big celebrity residing in new york participating in this contest, making this even more exciting. there also seem to be contestants from japan. this is a one-year contest, and the contestant who achieves the most beautiful fade will receive a hank-dyed natural indigo warehouse 660. this is also a rare special edition model never released for commercial use. the contest is already closed to new participants, but we'd definitely want to witness the best denim fading skills from all over the world. the winner should be announced by autumn of '08. definitely check out blue in green's website.

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caption lower right: it's extremely rare for an american to analyze and respect japanese denim as much as he does. and of course, he's very serious about studying denim aging processes. people who are confident about their english ability should visit and chat with him about japanese denim.

suggesting japanese denim to new yorkers

new york's blue in green is a popular boutique that carries many japanese denim brands. you'll see a lineup familiar to denim fans, like warehouse, sugar cane, samurai jeans, pure blue japan and eternal. these premium denim are displayed inside the refined interior to show how wonderful japanese denim are to new yorkers. located in the soho district, patrons include numbers of fashion designers.

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hey did u get my paypal payment? i sent it to you like couple days ago but havent received a reply from you.

  red said:
i found 5 more copies and i have a feeling there are more on the island. feel free to pm me, but theres a pretty long line already.
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  Chicken said:
well, don't know whether they're participating or not, but the word on the street is that jay z and lebron james both own their pairs of sufu660s.

this is way cool. really feel bad i missed out on this contest. brighter side though is i get to wear more of my half dozen denim projects in the pipeline.

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Thanks chicken. You're so kind. I really enjoyed that translated page.

I visited EVISU homepage yesterday. And I found lot of pictures of yours. (^_^);;

Really surprised. Can I find your nickname 'chicken' every where online?

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if anyone wants copies, i'll pick them up from my kinokuniya as long as you pay shipping. they're coming in midway next week, i placed a reservation for a copy but i can drop by and reserve more. the retail is about 20 bucks US if i remember rightly [gotta check again], but i'm in singapore so shipping could be quite a bit, say 10-15 dollars to the states? just saying.

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And once again..Self Edge is getting these (and every following release on a monthly basis) in a week or two.

Shouldn't cost more than $20 a copy..

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im not surprised that some of these cats wash every day and get good fading, since to wash everyday its assumed that you wear everyday. this goes to show how well dyed our favorite brands are. ive always felt that wear influences fading moreso than washes. the machine wont do the work for you. its also nice to see a VA cat(gordon) with "indigo master" stamped on his picture in a japanese mag. kudos!

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so i just came back from the post office, and the only thing i shipped were a pair of 660s i sold.

i spent like an hour in the post office, packing and writing addresses. my mother got tired of waiting, and left me, forcing me to walk about 5 miles back home carrying like 10 pounds worth of magazines.

i didnt ship out any of the magazines because it turns out that id lose money on just about all of them.

so im kindly asking all those who purchased a magazine to send an extra $5 to my paypal. sorry :(. shippings a bitch.

what a way to end the year.

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