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Oh power of the internet. sorry to offend.

Hey guys, if anyone is interested in picking up any CP's and/or CON gear (S/S 08-09) let us know style, sizes. Bt is doing a massive sale this weekend at the store to clear stock for new labels and the new CON gear which dropped this week.

At the top of my head the CON stuff available: (40% Off)

- Black Noise White Rain print (Black)

- Noir Print (white)

- Double front tee (grey)

- Rotton Apple basic tees (grey, white, ?black?)

- Parallax Leather Shorts (Black)

- Introduction to Space Shorts (Black)

- Right Angel Shirt (Black)

- 2nd Chapter Shoe (Black, Metal)

- Skelton Key Boot (Black) only 3 sizes left

- Jewellery (various chains, rings)

Common Projects (40%):

Achilles - Low tops

Nylon Training Boot

Desert Boot

Another style

Let me know size and style and I'll keep them aside at the shop (if available). Can ask Bt if he'll do a SUFU discount too for you guys.

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haha, don't worry about it TTT no one was offended ;)

damn it, just realised that you changed your post from taking pictures tonight to taking pictures on the weekend T :P

tried to take some tonight but couldnt really get much to show up with the flash on or off. Also I have a 50 that I need to swap for 52.

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good to hear about v&v T.

i know this is very unlikely... but have any of you seen the cotton resin biker jacket by ksubi? i've never been into ksubi so i have no idea what these look like but my mate wants to trade my ann d boots for it + 150 cash. apparently it retailed at around $600 and its brand new.

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u serious Aaron?

he gave me measurements and i compared it to the jackets that i like, they measured up perfectly :|

can you elaborate plzz! im going to qld tomorrow morn he was just gonna drop it off @ my place and ill get my bro to give him my boots.. so i need to decide asap (he's from canberra)

edit: just saw home's post ..

gay i might tell him no and just get full cash then

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yeah ann d vs tsubi trade doesn't make sense for that cash, esp considering the quality/leather of that particular garment. Do some nice shots with the boots and re-sell on SZ or here.... but that being said ksubi can get great return on ebay.

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haha nah i would just go there for general hols and check out the CM store.

sufu meet up would be awesome too.

J, where do u actually live? i always thought u were in melb/syd :o

uhh grew up in Syd.... bahh wish i grew up in Melbourne though...

Guess i get more recognition when people ask where i'm from and i say Australia.. I then say Sydney and yeh it gets instant recognition... Been a long time since the Olympics were in Melbourne..

I will live in Melbourne soon though...

Hey D! Yeh that would make things much easier.. But unfortunately it is not possible.. :( Tickets are kinda hard to change

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haha, as far as we're concerned you're an honorary melburnian J ;). seriously need to hold a melbourne sufu meet up next time you're in town though, be great to meet you in real life.

T can you get those cheap tickets return as well? seen them pop up too but could never be bothered trying to schedule in a trip :o.

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Yeah every Friday at 4 pm jetstar have special price flights. They are around 200 each way from GC usually. Not sure if that includes taxes but that would only add about 50-100.

You could fly into Tokyo and out of Osaka, to save doubling back.

I'll be down for a meetup if is happening.

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Hey J, did you fly jetstar? If so, They have like $200 dollar flights to Tokyo and Osak from Goldie pretty regularly - Thinking about grabbing some next time they pop up.

Nope i flew QANTAS.. I always do.. But yeh those Jetstar deals are mad.. They had $37 tickets at the end of 2007 to Japan.. I was seriosuly considering then as well.. They ended up being about 200 each way in total i think. Tax is around 150ish? depedning on time of year and other things maybe? You should just grab one and go for a random week.

haha, as far as we're concerned you're an honorary melburnian J ;). seriously need to hold a melbourne sufu meet up next time you're in town though, be great to meet you in real life.

T can you get those cheap tickets return as well? seen them pop up too but could never be bothered trying to schedule in a trip :o.

Yay. One of my close friends is from Melbourne.. So i consider myself from Melbourne anyway.. I get asked all the time am i from Melbourne.. Must have that look or something? Not sure why.. People don't think i'm from Sydney.Sounds dumb i know..

Hey you know how much i wanted to do a 'Bro down' when i came down the time before last..

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yeah sucks that the meet up fell through last time...

prefer qantas etc. for longer flights too, 8+ hours on one of the budget airlines might be too much to take haha.

I have 20% of the posts in this thread but I think T might still have us licked :P

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