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what happened to the esef threads???


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i had to move them into another part of the forum

i've held off doing this for as long as possible because there were people's cash involved in the transaction [first batch of buyers] and i've already explained to the advertising people to get more time to settle this.

but ESEF is fundamentally violating forum rules because

a. selling is supposed to be done in the supermarket and

b. commercial activity has to be paid for using a variety of options offered by the advertising guys

ESEF hasn't fulfilled the second point, and both superADS and myself have attempted to get in touch with him to no avail. corter starting up the new thread [and a new round of buyers] prompted this action.

however i'm still waiting on him working with superADS, if they can come to an agreement i'd be more than happy to relaunch the ESEF threads properly.

just to keep superdenim users in the loop...

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yea, i understand what you had to do too tweeds, however maybe i can clear it up a little:

i recieved my pair of jeans today, and i was posting a review and pictures of the pair i recieved. My pair was the first "official" pair sold, I personally paid for the jeans by means that were agreed upon between me and the company. I am not advertising for Esef so much as I am posting pictures and a review of the denim from my standpoint, as I feel this company has been subject to a lot of controversy thus far. The jeans pictured were my pair, and I was posting on my own, and I own them. I will not be making any gain by posting the pictures, be it monetary or otherwise, besides owning an amazing pair of jeans, and I will be putting everyone at ease who has paid for their pair.

I think that's only fair, although i understand the concerns of the advertising people. this thread did not include any sort of link to purchasing the jeans, nor did it include an advertisement, just the initial pictures of my personal pair of jeans. you can see in the pictures I posted that my pair is a size 34, my waist, and that I own them, because I took the pictures. If you would like me to keep the "official" pictures in another forum I will, just contact me. Hope this clears things up a bit.

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yep, i'm also in touch via PM with the people who've ordered the pair, and would appreciate it if you guys also let me know if any more problems crop up, although it looks unlikely since more and more info is being made available [the jeans also look very nice, btw]

corter i understand your POV and i'm not saying you are publicity for ESEF--i'm just drawing a line here because ESEF is also riding on the thread and telling people to send emails to order, which would start a second round and make things more complicated [how to explain that a second batch of members are ordering and hence have to keep the thread open for another period of time, etc etc]

believe me when i say that, like in the case of masataka's buying service [which has been well-resolved], i'm not against steve in anyway, i'd just like to use this as the impetus to resolve the issue with advertising ASAP

so: steve please do get in touch with superADS as soon as you can...

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Just a question about this. I was interested in the ESEF stuff (not as a purchaser, just cool to see someone making jeans). If Corter or someone posts pictures of ESEF jeans, as in any of the other threads like Eternal, SDA, etc etc, and ESEF avoids posting contact info/sales bits, it's fair game, right? It's posting the contact info/selling that's the problem, isn't it?

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I'm going to repost, with just my own personal pictures of my pair of jeans (which happen to be the ones I posted before), without contact info, just a fair evaluation of the jeans, later today in a new thread. I think there are a lot of good people involved in this debate and no one wants trouble, so I thank everyone for not getting crazy and out of hand with this. If you want info about ESEF you'll have to search around the internet like I do with any other brand, that's fair for a company that's not paying to advertise here. I do understand all the problems, Tweeds, so again, if i'm doing anything wrong just let me know.

Back to denim...

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